Tuesday, January 23, 2024

I find myself at a loss to deal with what is coming this year

 Sometimes I get unusual things coming intuitively like either Trump or Biden might pass away before the nominating conventions. Will this come to pass? It's hard to say really because there are government employed intuitives or psychics that are working on these kinds of things 24 hours a day worldwide. And it isn't just the U.S. that employs Intuitives or psychics regularly. Governments have always hired people like this for thousands and thousands of years already, they just usually don't talk too much (if at all about stuff like this).

Just like there are contacts between earth governments and alien races and some of them live inside the earth or under the oceans of the earth. And we leave them alone and mostly they leave us alone too. 

But, governments aren't going to talk about this either unless they want governments, corporations and religions to all collapse from this information within about 1 year worldwide.

So, how does one deal with all this?

I would say if you believe in praying for yourself, your children, your relatives, your friends and all mankind this is what you should do. Otherwise, like people in the 1950s and 1960s when we all believed there would be a nuclear war many people just killed themselves then one way or another from the stress of the Cold War that killed about 100 million people from 1945 until around 1990.

Though the draft ended after the Viet Nam war ended in the 1970s the Cold War continued until the Berlin Wall fell around 1990 I believe.

The Berlin Wall Fell: Begin quote from:

November 9, 1989
The Berlin Wall fell on 9 November 1989 East and West Berliners came together in celebration. The fall of the Berlin Wall was the first step towards German reunification.

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