Thursday, January 25, 2024

Writing is Healing

Or more exactly, writing can be healing if you intend it to be.

Each of us faces traumas in our lives of one kind or another from gestation to birth to childhood to young adulthood and into adulthood.

Whether we live or not at each and every point is partly to do with how well we process our traumas in a way useful to us.

Within the last few months just before Christmas I saw an obvious homeless man near a Costco just crying and leaning up against a tree in a parking lot there.

When you see a man crying in public often there is nothing you can do. Because any man with self respect likely isn't going to cry in public but might while alone cry himself to sleep wherever he spends the night inside of a house or home or apartment or group living situation or whatever. But, most men are not going to cry like that in public unless ALL HOPE IS LOST in a more permanent way which means there might be no hope for this person to survive much longer without any self respect as a man left.

The point I'm making here is that none of us want to be in the position of this man I saw there.

But, "There but for the Grace of God Go we all". 

This is the truth of life.

The point is: "Keep hope alive" is more than just a saying. Unless we ACTUALLY KEEP HOPE ALIVE then often we aren't alive much longer or at the very least not sane anymore.

Writing can "KEEP HOPE ALIVE" in each of us if we decide to do this.

There is a statement in Buddhism that I like which is: "Generating Compassion"

which in some ways is sort of like "WALKING" or WORKING for a given outcome.

By Generating compassion for yourself and all those around you you keep hope alive "Whether or not you believe in God or Buddha or Anything in life".

"Without Hope the people Perish".

This I have found to be universally true around the world.

If you don't take the time to keep hope alive then you likely either mentally or physically won't be around much longer.

This is why writing can be important to your ongoing survival as a human being on earth.

Keep Hope Alive!

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