Monday, February 26, 2024

Seeing the Future?

 What you may see is not the rock solid future but a potential future. So, if God let's you you might be able to change a bad future. However, there might be unforeseen consequences of changing the future as well that you do not expect.

However, I have learned that when you see something happen if you want to save lives you have to alter the time line so the people you saw that were maimed or who died don't die. When I was really young I might tell people what I saw. However, often people cannot deal with this at all so then as I grew up I learned to just talk to someone so they were late for their own death or maiming and this often did the trick where they didn't die or get permanently maimed.

Usually you cannot stop earthquakes or wars or even battles but you might save the life of a friend or a relative if you can engage them in some way to alter their timeline so they can survive whatever it is coming for them in the timeline.

However, like I said there often can be completely unexpected consequences for saving people's lives whether you tell them what you are saving them from or not.

I believe the gift of foresight is a God Given Gift so if you function at this level and allow God to show you what he actually wants you can then live always

By God's Grace

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