Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Why is the number 1 article read at this site about military Drones?

 I think a lot of practical people read articles at this site and anyone with any kind of practical education in Technical things like I have had being raised as an electrician by my father and then studying computer programming and Computer operations on top of this and before that in the 1950s studying seriously how everything worked in an engineering sense which was encouraged because we were told we would be fighting a nuclear war with Russia and likely we all were going to die. There was this idea that my father believed in the 1950s of "Better Dead than Red" which was very common at the time which meant: "It was better to be dead than to be forced to become a Communist."

So, people with technical logical and practical backgrounds all see that the number 1 threat to human existence (at least at this point in the history of mankind) is not Global Climate change but military drones that are autonomous.

They are like the B-52s of the Viet Nam War and since. They are like the B-17s and B-25s bombing Europe and Japan into submission with firebombing of cities and military sites. 

And on top of all this they are potentially or actually autonomous. In other words once they are given a digital command they will execute that command even if it is nuclear in nature.

So, literally the end of civilization might be brought about by Autonomous military drones.

And anyone with a logical pragmatic technical background likely can see this too just like I can. So, it makes perfect sense that others see the potential threat to human survival not as a government per say or even any one individual but in the form of autonomous robotic Military drones (big or small) killing all aspects of every civilization on earth (not just one side but both sides and all sides) until no one is left to maintain any civilizations at all. No one wins and everyone dies.

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