Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Why did Electrical Vehicles become such a disappointment?

 There is a saying: "When something appears to be too good to be true it usually is too good to be true".

There is another philosohical saying attributed DesCartes the French Philosoher which I find helpful in living my life:

"There is nothing so bad that no good may come of it

And nothing so good that no bad may come of it."

So, when someone tells me that someone or some thing is perfect I immediately know that they are wrong and I begin to use my critical thinking skills to see what is wrong with their perfect idea or concept.

Because nothing is perfect here on earth nor will it ever be entirely perfect.

Understanding this is the key to a good life here on earth.

Because: "Don't let the perfect get in the way of the Good of living here on earth!"

So, electrical vehicles were always flawed just like gasoline engines were always flawed and electricity was always flawed in various ways and still is here on earth.

In fact one of my scientific theories is that one of the reasons we are having extreme weather events is because of how we generate electricity.

As we drain the magnetic field of earth by generating electricity by breaking the fields of magnets we harm the capacity of Earth to heal itself.

However, I'm thinking that solar and wind power might be 1000% safer than breaking the magnetic fields of magnets usually with a copper rotating core. This is my present scientific thought and belief.

So, I presently believe we are committing a form of suicide by the way we mostly presently generate electricity in the first place if we are generating it by breaking the magnetic fields of magnets which are tied into the magnetic fields not only of earth but in some ways tied into the entire solar system.

So, electrical vehicles just like gasoline powered vehicles all harm the earth in some ways.

So, if you want to have an electric vehicle make sure you also have solar power in your homes to generate your power  you charge your vehicle with or else you are still at least 50% part of the problem here on earth because 50% of the power (at least here in California) is generated by Natural Gas not anything else.

So, electrical vehicles could not be anything but a disappointment because they are not refined enough to be completely covered with efficient solar cells to the point where if they are in the sun they are generating and storing their own solar power directly. So, over time the efficiency of Solar Cells will increase by the 100s and 1000s. At that point they will become that much more of a perfect vehicle.

However, even then, they might not be safe because of electrical radiation for humans to travel in in all ways. So, just like every time you get in an automobile or truck you have to weigh the chance that you or someone you love might be injured or worse in a traffic accident you have to also weigh how safe electrical vehicles are too for you and your family right now today as well.

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