Friday, February 23, 2024

Why Writing down your own belief system is both helpful and important:

If you think about the men (you notice no women wrote the Bible) (likely because the women either:

1. were not taught to read or to think Critically about anything at that time unless they were royalty and ruling nations.

2. Men preferred women to be subservient and useful for raising their children etc.

So, as a result most holy books on earth at least until the last few centuries were not written by women as far as I know. However, it is possible that women wrote who could write and think usefully and critically and then someone either hid or burned what they wrote too. It's hard to say really.

So, at this point in time writing down your belief system is important. Why?

Because from my point of view writing down your own beliefs is a combination of your experiences, your hopes and your dreams as well as hopefully science all combined into something that is maybe a magical Scientific system.

The other reason for writing your beliefs down is that other people might have similar beliefs and be helped by your codifying your beliefs.

In a sense we all stand on the shoulders of the men and women and children who have come before us. And understanding this is important in human evolution of consciousness out of the dark ages and into more enlightened ways of being and thinking.

This is part of the reason I write what I do.

As I studied Anthropology in my life I began to see how tribes around the world had their own creation stories, especially the native American Tribal religions that I studied. But, this wasn't just true here but all over the world too.

Then when farming was invented maybe 25,000 years ago religions became more codified like now because it was easier for Kings and Queens to enslave their people to literally be their slaves to make them do every day what those Kings and Queens wanted them to do which was to grow them food and to make them money.

However, now you have been educated here in the U.S. or around the world and you can empower yourself by writing down your own belief systems and you don't have to be enslaved by those old kings and queens like before.

And by doing this you become your own King or your own Queen and empowered in your own life in this way.

By God's Grace

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