Sunday, July 1, 2012

Drink your Vegetables

I was thinking today while juicing organic vegetables like cucumber, spinach, and 6 leaves of kale and juicing along with this Organic ginger, a whole organic lemon (including skin) and also juicing, a couple of organic apples, organic carrots, and 4 stalks of celery, that one could actually live without teeth at all on a diet like this as long as they could either afford to buy or grow all these organic things and had a juicer that could juice all this raw. I thought this was a pretty amazing thought at the time.

So, I guess if you can afford to either buy or grow all these things and more you could live just by juicing them in your juicer for the rest of your life if you wanted to or had to for some reason.

Though I only plan to be on this diet from 60 to 90 days or whenever I get to the weight and health I want to be I still likely will do this at least one or more meals a day whenever I'm not traveling and it is relatively convenient to do so. Also, even when one is traveling often one can find Whole Foods Stores or Farmer's markets along the way and if you take your juicer with you to where you are staying or even as Joe Cross did make juice  right in the back of his SUV with a power converter to make juice right wherever he was as he traveled across the U.S. it could be done.

If you haven't read my other blogs on this diet which I'm now in the 4th day of here is the last blog article I wrote that likely has buttons to the previous ones if you are interested and haven't read them yet.
4th day on Vegan Juice diet

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