Tuesday, July 24, 2012

More on Dieting

About a month ago now I spent 7 days on the "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" diet which is a raw organic vegan vegetable and fruit juice diet that actually works! I had tried all sorts of other diets but nothing was working for me, simply because I am a man and I couldn't get results fast enough now at age 64 to have ANY other diet be meaningful to me. But, in the first week I lost 10% of my body weight which was about 30 pounds because I am about 6 feet 5 inches tall. So, like I said before I'm trying to go from a football lineman's weight to the weight of a quarterback in real life. When I was 17 years old I weighed 172 pounds but I was very skinny then and at that weight when I climbed San Gorgonia mountain in Southern California which is the highest mountain there I got altitude sickness at 10,000 feet when I spent the night there and had to run down to about 9,000 feet so I could breathe and to stop throwing up. To me, this meant I was just too thin for my height at age 17. So now, a good weight would be anywhere between 200 to 225 pounds. I originally gained this weight when I divorced my 2nd wife and was in a child custody battle and then married again and had another daughter and I was worried I might lose both my new daughter and my new life during child birth. After the successful birth of my new daughter I wasn't able to get full custody of my then 7 year old daughter from my 2nd wife and I was angry. At that point I got a Heart Virus and almost died (I believe from my anger at not being able to better protect my by that time 10 year old daughter) even though after about $75,000 in legal fees I did finally get Joint legal custody but not primary physical custody of my older daughter and was able to see her 10 weeks a year on holidays and vacations and no important decision could be made for her without my input. So, at least that was something. So, last week I was skiing with my older daughter who is now 23 and living with her boyfriend near Portland. And since she is now completely on her own I don't have to worry about her mother interfering with my relationship with my daughter anymore.

So, this is one reason I can lose the weight because the problems of the past are over and gone and I'm not haunted by the past like I once was. So, remember actually losing weight is often as much psychological as it is physical when you attempt to lose weight.

Given all that, I successfully lost 30 pounds on the "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" diet that Joe Cross from Australia recommends because he did this diet over about 3 or 4 months and lost 100 pounds when he was about 40 in 2007. He came to the U.S. and started his diet in New York and then after he adapted traveled across the country to California as he juiced his way here. He bought a juicer and an electrical converter and juiced right in the back of his SUV as he traveled with his documentary film crew. You can see this film on youtube.com for free. It is very worthwhile to watch if you are serious about both losing weight and being healthy. By doing this diet he cured himself of an auto-immune disease that he might have died from by now otherwise. Also, this diet since it is a vegetable juice and fruit juice fast also detoxifies the body and because the body doesn't have to spend 90% of it's energy digesting foods, it can eliminate almost all toxins that you have taken into it like lead, mercury, dioxin and all the other many many toxins that shorten human life on earth when these kinds of toxins stay in the body long term.

So, after I lost 30 pounds the first 7 days of this diet I realized that for me the best way was to integrate this diet permanently into 1 to 3 meals of my everyday diet ongoing. The first reason is that I feel incredibly better than I have since my 20s eating this way.

For example, I haven't eaten yet this morning and it is about 10 am. I plan to eat organic celery stalks with peanut butter in the grooves and then eat an organic nectarine for breakfast. The peanut butter will ground me so I don't get too spacey, the celery will put ruffage into my intestines, and the nectarine I am going to eat because I love organic fruit in the morning. So, this fruit juicing diet has really changed what I actually desire to eat on a daily basis. For lunch I know I'm probably going to use my Breville stainless steel juicer and make organic carrot juice fresh and I think I'm going to also juice 3 apples because I really like carrots and apples together.

Here is an article I wrote on the Juicer I bought through amazon.com
Breville Juice Fountain Elite Juicer

Joe Cross now lets you watch his documentary for free. However, now I think he wants your name and address to watch it for free. Whereas I think I paid about 39 dollars or so for his DVD, book and a plastic foldout chart of all the juices he created along with Dr. Fuhrman. It is a medically well thought out diet and it might be important to note that even  President Bill Clinton became a Vegan vegetarian to keep help healthy and fit after his heart bi-pass surgery.

Here is the site to watch the documentary by Joe Cross for free:

Reboot Your Life

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