Monday, August 21, 2017

A Soul is Eternal: Time and Space is not

It could be said that a soul is never born and never dies.

How can that be true?

Because without time and space in the life of a soul there is only eternal now.

There is not birth, there is no childhood, there is no maturity, there is no old age and there is no death.

However, Souls clothe themselves in Time and Space and mortality in bodies in places like earth and other dimensions.


Because Eternal being and non-being can get boring. And Boredom might kill a soul.

However, Time and Space is almost never boring because of mortality. If you are a young human you may die at birth (this isn't boring). If you are a young human you may die in childhood (this is not boring). If you are an adult human you might die from anything at any time (this is not boring). If you are in old age you are sure to die a some point in any age even if you are in what we call a science fiction age very few humans in this galaxy live more than 10,000 years (even though our ancestors on Maldek (the Asteroid Belt 65 million years ago often reached 5000).

It is possible because so many got so old and yet still looked young that some of the oldest got bored and nuked the planet out of selfishness just for an interesting way to die. IF this is true one can understand how selfish a person like this would be in relation to their children and grandchildren.

A Galaxy is created by our Souls (who are the Creators of Galaxies) but they eat energy in different forms from both matter and anti-matter realms as it converts form dark matter into Galaxies. They do the converting.

Somehow, dark matter can be separated into matter and anti-matter. This then creates time and space but ONLY within a given galaxy. And even within that Given Galaxy time is often different in different places within that galaxy (in other words time often moves at different speeds).

One demonstration of this is if you take metal balls of various sizes and set them on a rubber mat suspended by 4 corners. You will see the iron balls distend the rubber mat (if it is the right thickness to see this). And you will see those places where the rubber is distended by STars, planets, etc. time moves differently (at a different speed or speeds) that surrounding space within a solar system and galaxy.

So, for example, time moves differently on earth than in space around it. Time moves differently on or in the sun than in space surrounding it. This is also true of the time space of various planets in our solar system. This is also true of all objects with mass in our Galaxy and likely true of all objects with mass in ANY galaxy. (even though this likely has not be finally proven yet by scientists). (regarding other galaxies) even though this is assumed to be true.

It is possible some or all galaxies are somewhat different than each other in various ways. So, the physics (including time and space) within that galaxy might have slightly different rules than in our one or within our solar system or on earth.

It is my theory that neither time nor space exists out beyond a galaxy.

As a soul traveler I experienced this and it likely was the most horrific experience of my entire life.

The reason for this is the Galaxy is a living thing. So, it is like humans are red or white cells in the body (blood) of the galaxy.

When a red or white blood cell goes beyond the physical being it comes from life has no meaning, much like when a human's blood is spilled and lays upon the ground turning to mud once again.

So, for me, the experience (I have described this before) of it being like being dropped from a helicopter naked in the middle of the night with no moon or stars in the sky and no lights anywhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean thousands of miles away from any land. The devastation you would feel from this would be similar to what I experienced and so I quickly returned to our galaxy where I belonged as a soul and as a human. For me personally it was so devastating a blow to my psyche that I stopped consciously soul traveling for quite a while after that. I later met Tibetan Lamas in the U.S. and India and Nepal for whom the Void Beyond a galaxy was a useful thing. But, this isn't universally true for people of all cultures.

Although I have heard that Yogis sometime soul travel out past the edge of the galaxy to "throw off" all unnecessary parts of themselves. (possibly like bad memories of previous lifetimes). Their goal is not social but entirely enlightenment much like one way to become enlightened is to watch a corpse of a human (even a relative or friend) decompose over a month or two.

However, most westernized people of the last two centuries likely would go mad within that time because of our cultural conditioning if they tried this and be permanently dysfunctional within ANY society on earth after that.

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