Sunday, August 20, 2017

If you have never witnessed an Eclipse before

My daughter mentioned that it isn't just what happens in the sky that is interesting. What might be even more interesting would be to look around you at the trees and cars and mountains and oceans and people around you as it gets dark during the daytime. We get a little of this when a really dark rain cloud comes over and dumps rain on us with wind or not. But, this is a different thing when the sky itself grows dark while the sun is in the sky.

If you are in the small 100% eclipse band and if you have no clouds occluding seeing this you might look into the sky and see the stars for a few minutes because that is just how dark it could get in the 100% eclipse band from Oregon all the way across the U.S. into North and South Carolina and then out to sea.

Then in the past there were often unusual things that the ancients said would happen when eclipses took place also. If you are interested in such things like this for fun you might study what happens during and after an eclipse from the ancient's point of view as well.

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