Monday, August 21, 2017

What does the word Autonomous mean in the context of "Autonomous Drones"?

The definition below that applies is :"self-governing, self ruling, self determining, independent, sovereign, free, unmonitored" in regard to Autonomous drones of the air, land, and sea.

It other words it decides who to kill or maim itself with NO human interference.
adjective: autonomous
  1. (of a country or region) having self-government, at least to a significant degree.
    "the federation included sixteen autonomous republics"
    • acting independently or having the freedom to do so.
      "an autonomous committee of the school board"
      synonyms:self-governing, self-ruling, self-determining, independent, sovereign, free, unmonitored
      "an autonomous republic"
    • (in Kantian moral philosophy) acting in accordance with one's moral duty rather than one's desires.
early 19th century: from Greek autonomos ‘having its own laws’ + -ous.
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