Saturday, June 2, 2018

Spiritual "Technology" is now combining with physical Technology especially in healing

which is creating new ways to heal people. I already have benefitted from this myself with a

Laparoscopic Appendectomy on my burst appendix in 2015. Recently I also

had a CT Scan on my sinus area to see if I had infected sinuses as well. In 2015 they finally diagnosed my burst appendix one week after it happened (because I did not have any of the
normal symptoms people have who have had vaccinations all their lives (I had none as a child)
so I have "herd immunity" which is like people in the 1800s and before who have a much 
stronger immune system than people today who have had immunizations. So, I did not have
an elevated white cell count or a fever so they could not define me as having had a
burst appendix until one week later when I asked for a sonogram and they gave me a
CT Scan instead and then demanded I get an emergency surgery which I did. The surgery
looked like I was inside a UFO having a proctology exam by the way so the whole 
thing was extremly surrealistic as surgeries (even Laparoscopic ones) with now no incisions
with scars outside of things that look like moles are. there are no stitches much in the new types of surgeries necessary now. So, you don't have things that look like scars anymore with Laparoscopic surgeries. Instead they drill little holes in you, inflate your abdomen with CO2 and go in with little
metal snake like devices with lasers and cameras on them even smaller than what is used for colonoscopies likely the diameter of your little finger or less.

The above was a personal example of what I'm trying to write about here. There is a combining
now of advanced healing techniques from psychological, meditation, intuition which are all
combining with advanced technological medical innovations including the examples I'm giving here.

This will also combine with computerized robotic doctors treating people at a distance through human doctors who will help operate on people through robotic means at a distance in clinics
various places on earth. So, spiritual healing techniques, intuitive healing techniques, psychological
healing techniques are all combining much like Accupuncture and accupressure and Hatha Yoga in 
the 1960s were considered sort of "Witch Doctor" techniques and were held in skepticism by many doctors around the U.S. then.

Now all this has become mainstream medical practice everywhere here in 2018.

LIkewise, new practices will be proved and utilized first by a few and then these practices will
spread more and more through mankind until they become mainstream to the point where medical practices by 2100 would be like night and day from the medical practices now worldwide.

So, get ready for changes to healing techniques even beyond your wildest expectations between now and 2100 and after.

by God's Grace

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