Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Anthropomorphisation of God

God is not human unless he or she manifest as one

Also saying God is HE or She is also not likely correct.

Likely what would be more likely correct would be that God is either Both sexes at once or neither.

So, when we say God is He it is an infantile way of thinking. Also, when we say God is she it is the same.

So, how should we speak of God?

I think speaking of God as a spirit is best that permeates everything and everyone.

In fact I would have to say that there is no one and no thing that is not God.

In other words one of my major realizations on a path of a Soul Traveler is that the entire universe ONLY exists in the mind of God and isn't physically real except in the mind of God.

You might say: "How is this possible?"

Everything I have been able to do as a Soul Traveler traveling this Galaxy and beyond tells me that the whole universe (or at least this Galaxy and others) Are ONLY In the MIND OF GOD and not really physical at all.

And the least real things at all in the Universe are Time and Space.

So, on one level getting totally involved in time and space and materialism completely is a complete dead end on one level from my point of view because they are the least real things in God's Created Universe.

What is the single most important thing to get involved in?

Likely the most important thing for the survival of your soul anywhere in the universe is to concentrate on compassion for yourself and all beings. Without that, you are living in a complete illusion all the time.

Time and space is less about mastering it and more about finding a way back to your creator through kindness and compassion to yourself and to all beings who actually in the end Are the Creator including yourselves.

When God Appeared to me he called me "one of his many fingers on earth". He was saying murder is like one of his fingers cutting off another of his fingers and that that was a bad thing to do.

When I returned from visiting God I physically shook for 2 or 3 days I was so traumatized from this experience.

But it caused me to realign my thinking to become like Him during the week after this experience and in the months and years to come after that.

By God's Grace

 So, when I look at you all now I see God

And that is how you know I'm a mystic. Because that is what mystic's Do.

By God's Grace

"See no man (or woman either) after the flesh".

Seeing every man, woman and child as instruments of God (the fingers of God on earth) is likely the most useful and compassionate thing you will ever do.

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