Monday, October 14, 2019

Rocks and Metals are alive and have consciousness

This is sort of a strange thing that is true but I didn't fully understand this until my 30s and beyond.

I had been studying with a medicine man in Mt. Shasta and had done a Vision quest of no water and no food for 4 days on the south fork of the Trinity river in a bear wallow and then I was sweating with another Karok Medine man named Charlie Thom who was Crazy Wisdom like me. When I moved to the SF Bay area and bought another business with my wife I was sad at leaving the wilderness and Mt. Shasta but knew our children likely would be more successful spending their teen years and college in the SF Bay are where there are really good schools to go to. This was about 1984 or 1985 before we went to India, Nepal, Thailand, and Japan for 4 months with our children during the next year or so.

One day I was feeling sort of suicidal at the move and was considering jumping off a cliff from moving south and then the "Rock People" Started talking to me for the first time. They told me that people were sort of like "Flowers" to them and that we were beautiful but that we didn't live very long sort of like Flowers to them. Rocks it appears live millions of years watching us and animals and flowers and the clouds go by when they are on the surface of the earth it seems.

I was kind of disturbed by this at the time and when I sweat next with Charlie Thom I asked him about the "Rock People". He said, "Oh Yes. My Karok people have sweat and associated with the "Rock people for thousands of years already. We heat them up on the fire and then invite them into our sweat lodges into the womb of mother earth for us to be reborn in the womb of mother earth in the sweat lodges."

So, I had a context for this and finally understood what I had experienced. Over time I realized that everything metal is "rock people too" and has consciousness and developed ways to communicate with everything metal too in addition to just rocks and boulders. I found I could ask planes if they were going to crash because like angels they also know what is going to happen to them before it happens. So, any time I get on a plane I ask the plane if it is going to crash. If it told me it was going to crash I wouldn't board the plane because I would realize I need to stay alive for my family and friends and those who I write for here on earth and beyond in the past, present and future.

However, the consciousness of metal is slightly different than raw rocks which are processed into metal for use by humans. But, anyone intuitively gifted likely could communicate with both rocks and metals in any form. But, metals having been refined might see those who smelt and create them as sort of like parents in a way too. So, metal has a different consciousness than rocks and boulders and places like Yosemite that have been wild for millions and millions of years.

So, it's important to remember all this when you communicate with metals. It's important to have respect for metals but to also understand they have a different relationship with humans than rocks and boulders and places like Yosemite do in the wilds even though metals also share this millions and millions of year history with the rocks of the earth too.

It's just really important to realize you are communicating with a multi-millions of year old consciousness when you communicate with rocks, boulders or metals that might view you as sort of like a perishable flower because of our very short lifespans. So, tread carefully as you develop your relationships with the "Rock people" in all their forms.

By God's Grace

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