Monday, October 14, 2019

What is Crazy Wisdom?

"It is the Wisdom beyond Knowledge".

In other words you are going to do the right thing whether anyone likes it or not in all situations that you need to as a Crazy Wisdom manifestation of God's Wisdom here on earth.

For example, I see Trump as BAD Crazy Wisdom in action.

The problem with this is whether someone is good Crazy Wisdom or Bad Crazy Wisdom no one can predict what any Crazy Wisdom person is going to do next.

So, from my point of view Hitler and Stalin and Mussolini are really really bad manifestations of Crazy Wisdom that killed millions and millions of people.

Like the above ones, Trump will be responsible for 1 to 4 billion deaths at least by 2100 from the things he has done already. It's pretty much a given right now even if he disappeared from the world scene suddenly and was never found again tonight. But, then again no one likely is going to be searching for all the deaths he has or will cause so far or in the future.

But, Crazy Wisdom can be a very good thing too. Why?

Because the good a Crazy Wisdom person can do cannot be stopped. For example, Jesus and Buddha were both Good Crazy Wisdom and they have completely changed the last 2500 years from what it would have been without them on into the future for at least the next 10,000 years or more which has markedly reduced the suffering or extinction of the human race already.

And as bad as Trump is he has already prevented human extinction between 2080 and 2090 and bought us until 2025 to 2050 before we reach another overpopulation or starvation or air to breathe crisis. So, basically Trump as bad as he is had bought us  60 to 70 years or so to figure out what the human race is going to do next to survive (here on earth or some place else).

How has he done this? By killing off 1 to 4 billion people between now and 2100. Which is insane and crazy in itself but also true.

But, I prefer to be Good Crazy Wisdom like Jesus and Buddha myself.

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