Friday, December 20, 2019

My experience

My present experience (which has evolved a lot since I first started my own research into all this as a child and young adult) is that humans are mostly (if not entirely) the species that created the Galaxy in the first place.

Now, before you get crazy on me here let me explain what I'm actually saying. What I have learned is that what we call our souls are actually a species of immortal beings that create galaxies throughout the universe. Without this species no galaxies would exist.

So, they build galaxies to better feed their species which feeds on energy going through changes like it does just before entering a Black hole which then heads to an Anti-matter universe on the other side dimentionally speaking.

But, as these "Creators" I call these (our Souls) come originally from Unknown matter which comprises 96% of the known universe.

Galaxies and actual "Matter" only comprises 4% and the rest is in Unknown matter or sometimes called "Dark matter" which just really means only Unknown matter in the first place.

But, as these beings in a sense are never born or die (this is difficult even for me to know how to deal with this concept while living in a matter basis world like Earth and in a matter basis galaxy). However, this appears to be the case because time and space DOES NOT EXIST in Unknown matter at all. Only BEING exists in unknown matter and from this point of view things are never born and things never die which is what our souls actually are.

But, living forever has it's drawbacks and so our species (Our Souls) gets bored individually the longer we hang out because of many different reasons. Just like many people get bored and die as humans here on earth sometimes very young or old or in the middle somewhere.

The same can be true of our Creator species that creates Galaxies that you and I now live in.

So, as a hedge against boredom and dying from boredom Creators at a certain point begin taking incarnation as humans in order to experience death and pain. This way they can value their lives again within a time space context and stop being bored. So, we are all bored creator souls living in human bodies here on earth.

This is what I have discovered as an intuitive who has soul traveled and met the leader of the galaxy who lives near the Black Hole at the center of the galaxy where it is easier for Creator souls to feed on energy transfers. So, the seat of learning and government is in this location for the whole galaxy but unless they want you there time and space doesn't exist where it is. So, to force entry would be to die for most species that live in time and space there.

Only Creator souls (without physical bodies like ours) are allowed to be there.

This is why the only way I could go there was by soul Travel.

I think the pantheons of Zeus and Odin are all about the Creators who run the Galaxy. This is my research of the last 71 years. This is what is real to the best of my research abilities.

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