Saturday, April 18, 2020

Getting Back to Normal?

I think seriously that normal (at least as we knew it) up until maybe January or February 2020 is permanently gone and this is going to be very very difficult for some people to deal with if not everyone.

For example, if you just lost your father or mother or brother or sister or child or best friend or wife or husband or serious lover then your life will NEVER be normal ever again because that's just gone!

So, when people talk about things getting back to normal I look at them and think "You aren't being realistic. You are living in some kind of fantasy about getting back to "normal". Because normal ( at least as it was in January 2020) is now gone forever worldwide for a long time, possibly until a new normal is established some time between now and 2030 around then.

There might be a new normal that you like but normal up to January 2020 is now gone forever.

We just entered a time like when the market Crashed in 1929 or when December 7th 1941 Pearl Harbor happened. Because of this normal of the kind we knew is now gone forever to be replaced by some new normal none of us know for sure as of now. Because we are not there yet.

I think thinking of the future as an adventure might be best.

What is an adventure?

It's a difficult situation well handled.

My life has always been an adventure since I was born.

But now everyone's life on earth is an adventure and I wish you all well. Because if your life was ever going to be in a movie now's the time for everyone.

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