Saturday, December 3, 2011

Religion and Politics and Hypocrisy

A good place to start would be to say that "Sooner or later you are going to confront paradoxes everywhere". Given that religions and politicians have to become hypocrites in order to "paper over" or to hide these paradoxes from the faithful all over the world, you will begin to see if you watch for it the hypocrisies in all churches and in all politicians. And whenever you begin to see these paradoxes being covered over, "Hang on to your wallet before someone talks you out of all your money or property".

So, whenever ANYONE says something like, "If you don't do this you won't be saved" I know that this is someone DANGEROUS not only to themselves but to society at large. Because as soon as someone says this it is possibly that someone who "Doesn't do this to be saved" is likely going to either die or be physically or psychologically maimed. This is a given anywhere on earth and in any political or religious persuasion on earth. Whenever you draw a line in the sand like that you begin to murder people if not physically then psychologically. Because the weak minded get scared and follow you out of fear and confusion and the strong minded begin to fight you one way or another. And the result often is carnage of one kind or another.

I have developed my own theory about people who talk like this in any religion or political persuasion. It goes something like this: "At some point this person was so physically or psychologically or sexually abused that without this feeling of drawing a line in the sand they would begin to freak out and lose it completely. So, by forcing those around them to "Tow the line" they feel more secure with other "Freaked out" people around them. So, instead of getting psychological counseling to "Work Through" their dysfunctional reactions they create war, and mayhem and carnage wherever they are on earth.

And one of the worst things I see people doing is suppressing their dysfunctions by taking antidepressants. Because doing that only makes the situation worse in the long run. Taking antidepressants is like shoving a plug or suppository up your rectum and saying, "I will never make another bowel movement again." And what happens to people who actually do that? They eventually die or change their minds. And what happens to people who take antidepressants all their lives? They just get more and more confused until the initial causes of their depression are worked through. So, my view of people who take antidepressants throughout their lives is "natural selection". In other words no one who takes antidepressants long enough will any longer have natural human reactions to anything and so in some ways will  become eventually a danger both to themselves and sometimes to society as well.

But, if you are unable to see that hypocrisy is there in both all religions and all politics all the time then "God help you".

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