Thursday, March 21, 2013

Clorine Gas in Syria?

I was listening to news reports on NBC and PBS NEws today on TV. What was being said is that the reports and videos and pictures of people injured do not follow the signature of banned chemical missiles or chemical bombs. Instead they look more like Clorine Gas. And it was said that Clorine  is associated with keeping water clean. So, they were thinking that someone bombed an area and hit a clorine gas or powder concentration of clorine or possibly Clorine might have been used as a weapon. However, since it is not classified as a weapon of chemical warfare they are wondering how this should be classified. Most chemical weapons destroy people's lungs and eyes and blister their skin. This particular chemical only makes it difficult or impossible to breathe. So, they are still doing research as to what exactly is going on. For the U.S. or other nations to go in to take away all chemical weapons from Syria it has to legally be a certain type of chemical WMD  event and it appears that type of event didn't happen no matter who did it. So more research is being conducted as to how to classify this event.

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