Sunday, February 9, 2014

Creating a Life you can actually Stand to Live

Often growing up your parents and the people around you want you to be a success. But, that doesn't mean you will want to be alive even if you were successful in the ways that they want. Often, if you actually did what they told you to do you would have to commit suicide directly or indirectly. And you will watch this happen directly or indirectly to many of your friends in your late teens and early 20s.

So, understanding yourself and being self aware of what your specific needs are are very important if you want to have even a chance of surviving your teens and twenties.

Designing a life you can actually stand to live and to live through might be the single most important thing you ever do in your teens and twenties. By your 30s if you have designed a life for yourself so you are happy enough to want to even be alive and to live through you will be very grateful you actually took the time to design a life that you could either survive or be happy about surviving ongoing.

This often means disappointing your parents and friends. Because even though they might want the best for you they don't live in your body with you do they? And because of that you must design the life you want to live yourselves whether they like it or not if you want to be alive 10 to 20 years from now.

Am I right? Of course I am. I went through this too and I barely survived all this up to about age 24 when the choices I started to make made me happy enough to choose to stay alive ongoing.

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