Saturday, October 11, 2014

525,000 visits to intuitivefred888

Some time since I blogged last as I traveled over to South Korea for a visit my blog reached 525,000 visits which is still really amazing to me. I'm happy to have an International blog where I can help people with whatever they are dealing with wherever they live on earth. Though I am an American I also have seen myself as a Citizen of the World and a Citizen of Earth. Thinking in this way one can be a better planet saver in helping the world survive wars, pestilence and disease.

Though some might think these things reduce the population of earth so more might survive, the problem is that they also bring chaos and the end of governments and more chaos and suffering and death. If you study what World War I and World War II and the Korean War and the Viet Nam war did to the world, millions and millions of people died in these wars and uncountable grief was spread around the world. Even one person dying violently can permanently destroy up to 10 people's lives for years to come or permanently. And this also affects everyone they know too.

Murders create revenge scenarios that in many countries create hundreds or even thousands of years vendettas upon other peoples which just creates further chaos here on earth.

Maybe weather and storms which cannot be blamed upon any single person are a better way for God? to thin out the human race so we don't just go extinct from overpopulation, wars and genocide.

Often human think in very micro ways and don't see the bigger picture of how 7 to 9 billion people just isn't natural for earth to support ongoing. When I grew up there were only 1 1/2 to 2 billion people here on earth and even that seemed like a lot of people then.

Thanks for sharing my interests in keeping the human race alive with a quality life without completely going extinct in the next few hundred years.

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