Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Imagine ISIS hiring someone to write an article like this?

Whether or not this article is true it has cost ma...

The problem with this article is not whether it is true or not. The problem of this article is that it is getting people killed who are red cross workers in West Africa. I think the latest tally is at least 14 people have been killed because of articles like this circulating in the news there in West Africa. So, whether it is true or not really can't be proven any way that I know either way.

However, people are being killed by this kind of article and if people get panicked enough more and more will be killed if they believe this article (word button at top). So, this kind of thinking is a death sentence for health care workers in West Africa and likely throughout Africa for that matter whether it is true or not ongoing by panicked ignorant people who aren't sure anymore what the actual truth is.

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