Tuesday, October 21, 2014

ISIS is very 12th Century

The way Muslim Warlords took over areas and countries in the past, ISIS is using now. Using these terrorist ways where whole tribes who dare to resist are crucified, beheaded or just massacred is common practice for ISIS. The extortion of anyone who isn't extremist Sunni until they have no money and then torturing them or beheading them or crucifying them is also common practice for ISIS or ISIL.

Enslaving children and making sexual slaves especially of the girls is normal for ISIS everywhere they go because they want their soldiers sexually satiated so they won't rebel against ISIS. Isis also wants them  well paid which is now somewhere between 600 and 1200 a month which is a lot for someone living in the Middle East who has no job or hope of marrying because of no job or business. So, basically, the ISIS army is composed of mercenaries who want to kill and get laid. It is difficult to wrap one's mind around whether they believe any of the religious rhetoric or not. Mostly, I think it is a wild ride about getting laid and killing as many as they can until they are dead themselves. It is sort of "eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die!" (without the drinking of course because they are Muslims). But, I don't think that means they can't take some or all drugs instead. So, ISIS is a bunch of Berserkers likely in this sense at the foot soldier level at least.

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