Monday, January 5, 2015

Cultures have always hired people to pray for them

I was thinking as I woke up today about this. Historically, up to the present day back as far as history exists, cultures and nations hire people to pray for them. When it was just tribes the Medicine Man or medicine woman of the tribe who studied herbology and could divine with the dead and had prophetic dreams healed the tribe and encouraged them to stay alive and survive as a culture.

Then as civilizations prospered more and farming became more normal buildings were built for people to worship whether it was warm or cold or rainy or snowing or windy around the world. Then as time went on, armies of monks and nuns and ministers and priests of literally all faiths and religions traveled the world to spread their particular message of hope and survival. This persists even today in all places on earth.

Along with this cultures and nations hire police and soldiers to defend these religious and philosophical principles and to enforce laws that originally sprang from spiritual and religious teaching back thousands and thousands of years.

This is happening still today everywhere on earth. It is a part of the basis of all cultures that still exist today here on earth.

And history is also filled with those cultures that were militarily defeated or defeated by droughts or just disagreements between spiritual and religious views.

From this a philosophy of "Might makes Right" sprang up in places like Europe during the Middle Ages which meant that if a champion died in battle his side was wrong in the eyes of God. Basically, this is how History was created where only the victors were allowed to write history.

However, this likely gives only a very skewed version of reality for all cultures about what actually took place.

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