Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Kona side of the Big Island

I haven't been here since 1974 when I drove over from Hilo where I lived then with my first wife and baby. It's a whole lot different now as you can imagine. Landing I could see a whole lot of black sharp lava with little white weed looking things growing up through the cracks near the ocean there. So, this is a completely different experience than I usually have on Maui which is much moister than this side of the Big Island of Hawaii. There are always microclimates on each island but the microclimates can be much bigger because it is about 400 miles to drive around the whole island near the ocean. So, Kona side is called the desert side of this island because they get less rain there. For example I think Kihei on Maui is the desert side of the island and Lahaina too. Whereas, the very rainiest is Hana and Iao where the needle is where they might get 400 or more inches of rain every year. On Kauai they have the world record for rain per year which is over 600 inches of rain every year. So, in places like that it rains a little usually every day even if it is one hour or less and usually there are rain forests wherever that happens as long as the soil is good which it usually is around volcanoes which make the richest soils in the world.

We rented a car and went to Costco which likely is the most reasonable place to buy food on the island and also likely the most reasonable place to buy gas too for your rental vehicle. So, if you land at Kona, if you can refill up there to save money because the gas other places looked to be over $3.50 a gallon and right now some people are buying gas on the mainland for under $2 a gallon. So, food and gas can be very expensive over here and usually are. After all you are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

When we landed it was 81 degrees. However, now in the morning (their time) of around 8 am it is in the mid 60s and since I'm on our 2nd floor veranda typing this overlooking beautiful tropical pool and plants I finally had to put on (since I'm not in the sun long pants and a flannel shirt after sitting blogging for about 1/2 hour so far.

This trip is mostly a snorkeling and exploring trip and my friend's girlfriend had never been here to the Hawaiian islands before. It is always a treat to watch someone new to the island have amazing experiences and reactions to everything. Because I have never found any place on earth quite like Hawaii and the Hawaiian islands. It's what keeps me coming back and sometimes living here for 3 to 6 months or more at a time when I can even though I don't surf anymore because I'm in my late 60s. However, snorkeling, hiking exploring and walking over lava fields and hiking in the mountains of Maui and Hawaii I do.

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