Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Off to Hawaii

two of my friends and I got on a plane to Hawaii today. Two of us haven't traveled this far together since Nepal in 1985 and 1986. So, it is another traveling experiment. I really wanted my wife to go to but she says she can't walk on the beach yet with her knee replacement or sit in a lounge chair or do all the things she would want to do. So, that's the way it is. So, this trip is more of a snorkeling trip so we'll see how that comes out. My younger daughter is back from visiting friends in South Korea since December 27th a few days after Christmas and will have to go to college soon for next semester. My other daughter is back from her boyfriends parents in New York and is back in school today too. So, I guess the three of us are traveling all over about now and yesterday. I didn't sleep last night getting ready and preparing for the journey. My two friends who are both younger than I decided to go see the sunset on the beach. I decided to catch up on my sleep and maybe blog a little too. So, if you were wondering what suddenly happened, what happened is I had to get ready to travel and then to travel.

Since California is only 2 hours different from Hawaii now since  we went off Daylights savings it isn't that hard of a change time wise sort of like going from California to Chicago time wise in reverse of that that would be. My friends want to watch "Agent Carter" tonight so hopefully it will be on in a time frame we want to watch over here.

It turns out that it came on TV at 7 pm instead of 8 pm but luckily we had the right station on even though we didn't know it would do that instead of 8pm. Looks like a good 2 hour start to this new series.

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