Monday, January 12, 2015

Pictures of Pahoa lava flow near Hilo, Hawaii today

This is how they protect power lines. I have never seen this done anywhere else. First they take a wire like chicken wire and then drop red lava pieces down it after forming a cylinder. Then they make more outside and before that they likely use either asbestos or some kind of heat resistant fabric around the pole (you can see this on top of the red  cool lava pieces. This keeps power lines from melting or at least keeps the poles from melting even if the lines do from the rising heat. So, they don't have to replace power poles when lava comes by. I saw lava in the distance surrounding poles set up like this so this actually works.

Here you see offerings to Pele the fire Goddess on congealed lava.

Here you can see how cold rolled steel melted from the heat of the molten lava.

Here is a dead bush and signs melted and knocked down by the lava before it cooled.

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