Friday, January 16, 2015

Video: Lava update Wednesday Jan. 14 Civil Defense Briefing for Pahoa Hawaii

  1. VIDEO: Lava Update – Wednesday, Jan. 14
    Big Island Video News - 2 days ago
    (ABOVE) The USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory provides this close-up view of an ...

  2. More news for video:lava update - wednesday, Jan. 14

  3. Big Island Video News » Serving Hawaii County

    A lava breakout 765 yards upslope appears poised to become the new flow front. ...VIDEOLava Update – Wednesday, Jan. 14. January 14, 2015. The front ...

  4.  This is a video update to help local residents of the Pahoa area prepare for fires and lava movements into their area. I visited where tourists and residents are allowed to go and saw the melted Chain Link Fences, dead trees, cold lava wrapped Power poles especially prepared to survive lava flows so power lines don't have to be replaced later (the poles at least (because power lines might melt from the rising heat).
  5. So, this is a Civil Defense briefing video after officials went overhead in a helicopter to monitor lava flowing and fires that are being caused by molted lava in this area. And after the briefing residents and journalists of the area and whole state are asking questions.

    When I went into Pahoa Marketplace which is where they say some lava flows might eventually be heading, I noticed that downslope from lava flows is various places in Pahoa like the Pahoa Marketplace and others. But, generally speaking the flow is slowly heading towards hiway 130 from several points presently. Whether it stops or whether it is going to make it all the way to the ocean eventually is anyone guess.

    Considering that Midway Island was once created (thousands or millions of years ago) by this same lava vent that has created all the Hawaiian Islands as the plate moves northwards almost anything volcanic is possible given enough time. For now, Hawaii, the island is getting bigger and bigger by the year as it vents lava out into the ocean.

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