Saturday, May 16, 2015

Broken Blood Vein?

I was going to an appointment for my heart Specialist the other day and happened to mention to a physician's assistant there that something in my leg really hurt for several days which I found unusual. She looked at the point on my leg and said, "That looks like a broken blood vein."

I don't remember having anything like this before. But, since then it has moved from that point to another point on my calf and then up around 6 inches or so with the whole thing hurting a great deal. My wife thinks if this is still a problem by monday I likely should go see my general practitioner then. But, it is one of the more unusual things I've ever experienced in my life because of how painful it is compared to most things.
     The legs photos below are what they can look like in a leg. However, mine is on my right calf. My wife had one like the bloodshot eye when I was in the hospital too.  My surgeon said it was stress related.
    I have been heating a hot compress in the microwave to draw blood to the area to heal the problem and so far this seems to be helping a lot. Hopefully, by the end if this weekend it will have healed up and I won't have to go see a doctor about it.


Also, I'm finding being active is helping me despite the broken blood vein in my leg. I'm starting again to left dumbells. I did a few 50 pound curls but found I didn't have the balance or strength to lift 50 pounds over my head repetitively like I used to before my operation. However, I'll be back there within 1 month or 2. All the holes in my abdomen have now healed over completely from my surgery so I can begin to strengthen my stomach and core muscles once again.

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