I took a Cultural Anthropology Class at Palomar College around 1971 when I lived then in Rancho Bernardo with my parents. It was when I first discovered that I was a "Natural Shaman".
The Cultural Anthropology textbook described a Shaman as "Someone who had pscyhologically died but whose body somehow lives on. In some ways this also describes what we know about Saint Francis of Assisi which was a movie I also studied quite carefully at the time when he was in battle as a knight for his town in Assisi in Italy and never was the same again after being injured in a battle.
So, you might consider this a form of PTSD or enlightenment coming from PTSD as well. In my own case I wasn't in a war. My PTSD leading to becoming a "Natural Shaman" also came honestly just by almost dying so many times between age 2 and 15 which completely changed me as a person from everything from having my life threatened more than once to whooping cough to Blunt Trauma childhood epilepsy to finally in complete desperation asking God to come live in my body at age 15 which he did which made me sort of a natural Shaman and one of God's Prophets on earth at that time.
However, then I didn't fully understand all this. I was just desperately trying to survive and not die.
So even asking God to come live inside my body with me was complete desperation at the time.
However, it has served God's purposes well. Along the way I realized I didn't want to start another religion at all because I saw directly how confused the human race already was from the religions that already existed here.
So, instead I realized teaching people how to live with God 24 hours a day like I do is more useful than being a part of any one religion. So, now I find myself compatible with all peaceful and kind religions on earth.
So, my point of view is if what you believe in doesn't kill yourself or others or cause you or others to self destruct that what you believe in might be useful to you and others.
I have watched many people self destruct directly or indirectly by various means over the years. Those I could save in whatever way I could I did whenever it was practical to do so (By God's Grace)
God has now rewarded me handsomely in every way imaginable for helping everyone I could that he sent me to help and I am eternally grateful for all his help in this way.
IF you discover yourself to be a shaman just remember you aren't doing this for money, you are doing this because it is your calling by God or Buddha or Nature spirits or however you look at this.
You are another Sheppard of mankind helping mankind not to go extinct during these very perilous times for the human race these next few centuries of extreme change that will likely drive many insane in various ways.
So, being of both the physical and spirit world at the same time often you can heal or see the future like I do. I approach this as being a householder Yogi which is something I learned when I studied Kriya Yoga with Self Realization Fellowship in the 1970s. When I read "Autobiography of a Yogi" I was impressed with Lahiri Mahasaya being a family man and also a guru who worked for the railroad in India who was a student I believe of Sri Yukteswar.
So, I realized my path in this lifetime was also as a Family Yogi so my discipline and devotion was to my children and to my wife as a discipline towards enlightenment.
So my path was the discipline of devotion to family on this path. This did not mean there weren't problems I encountered on the way like now having been married 3 times, the first 4 years, the second 15 years and the 3rd so far 23 years. But still, I have stayed close with all my biological children and all are on good terms with me from age 21 to soon 43 years of age. So, the well being of my children physically and spiritually has been my yoga most of all along the way which was my privilege at each and every point under God.
At age 28 I began starting and owning businesses as a way to support my family at each and every point. Becoming more and more educated also was a part of my yoga and so I studied Computer Science starting in 1966 when I was 18 and by 21 started studying Cultural Anthropology, psychology, philosophy and the Social Sciences to better understand myself and to help others along the way. My best friend got a degree in History of Religion at UCLA and then received a Master's degree in History specializing in Buddhism and Sanskrit there as well. I learned a lot about comparative religion in our discussions as we climbed mountains to the top like Mt. Shasta and climbed the faces of Yosemite Valley in my 20s as a young man.
So, discovering yourself to be a shaman is not small thing in your life. Many who are like us don't survive until they are 30 years of age because our senses in the physical and spirit worlds are so acute in every way. So, dealing with all of this in the modern world and still staying balanced and sane is quite a challenge.
But, if you can make it into your 30s like I did in one piece often you become wise and helpful to thousands of people because you survived it all. And then you become valuable in a special way to all mankind in helping them to their own individual and collective enlightenment.
By God's Grace
To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
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