Wednesday, June 13, 2018

As you become more fully enlightened you become a mobile heaven realm

I remember reading in the 1980s about Padmasambhava's heaven called the "Copper colored Mountain heaven".

Then there is Sukavati or "The Land of pure joy" heaven which is the most easily reached by humans and animals from earth. When you do Namo Amida Butsu or the Tibetan Equivalent you send  the souls of dead animals or people to the "Land of Pure Joy" which is the easiest heaven to reach for all people and animals here on earth

After that, they can go to the "Heaven realm" that they likely belong to be in long term. Or some human souls like myself tend to wander between thousands of heaven realms where I have many many friends. So, it depends upon the soul where they belong or want to belong in heaven realms.

But, I have noticed that because of mass healings taking place within people as I pass by now that the reason this happens is because they are within my personal heaven realm inhabited by many many angels (thousands of Angels or more) depending upon the day. So, wherever I drive my car or 4 wheel drive truck or wherever I walk people get healed in various ways. Sometimes it is a spiritual healing and sometimes it is a physical healing and many times it is both. But, many times I am aware of this taking place and sometimes not. It all depends upon what my angels that inhabit my personal heaven share with me about all this.

So, the point I want to make here with you is as you do your spiritual practices you are also generating your own heaven within and around yourselves. If you are a parent or grandparent this is especially important for you to know about because you lift all members of your family through your spiritual attainments and practices over time.

Just be aware you are "GENERATING" your own personal or family heaven as you do these practices that benefit your children and grandchildren and everyone you know or pass by 24 hours a day ongoing as long as you live and that this continues after you pass on as well in various ways.

By God's Grace

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