Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Diamonds are Crystals and Crystals are Life Forms

I've told the story how I found out about what native Americans call "The Rock People".

But through this experience while I was also studying with various Native American Medicine men and women I experienced the "Rock People talking to me" one day. As an American who has studied science but who also had parents who were Mystical Christian ministers I wasn't sure what to do with this information. One day I was outside a sweat lodge and I asked Charlie Thom ( a Karuk Medicine man of Northern California now passed away). Do you ever speak with the Rock People?

He said, "We heat the rock people in the fires and bring them into the sweat lodges for hundreds and thousands of years in my tribe and maybe all tribes do this too. So, my people have spoken with the rock people for hundreds and thousands of years already."

This began my journey that eventually led to me realizing rocks are crystals, Cars are made of Metal Crystals, Planes are made of metal Crystals, Ships are made of metal Crystals, and that one could easily communicate with them respectfully. I found over time they are aware of what happens to them in the past, present and future. So, if you are in a car, plane boat or even space ship the vehicle will know what is going to happen to it. So, if you ask telepathically they will tell you always the truth of whether you will be safe or not in that vehicle.

The concept of death isn't a part of Crystal thinking but the concept of physical change is. So, Crystals know they don't die but that they do change forms sometimes. So, they have no fear of death or crashes but know we do. So, since they see us kind of as we do flowers which don't live very long they care about us usually and want to tell us how to stay alive longer.

So, to make friends with all things made of crystal likely is going to lengthen your lives whether they are crystal crystals or metal crystals or rocks or cement or whatever.

Making friends with everything made of crystals is important to all our survival and this can prevent our maiming as well.

So, make friends when you can of all the Rock People because they are also Crystal People Too!

By God's Grace

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