Sunday, January 6, 2019

A Quantum Computer properly defined and programmed could analyze the Technological Singularity

However, I wouldn't know how to go about it.

And even if one human being did they likely wouldn't know what to do with the information they would receive.


Because there is no time in recent history that we have had any of the basic problems we have today. So, there is nothing at all to compare the information we might receive to, except for data regarding the last few centuries likely.

What is the biggest basic problem of today?

Overpopulation. Global Warming. And the Technological Singularity happening all at the same time.

And no one has dealt with this mix of problems ever before in human history. At least not like this.

Tell me the last time we had 8 billion people alive on the planet at once.

It hasn't happened for likely 10,000 or 20,000 years maybe since Atlantis or Lemuria or Mu.

And likely we had space faring cultures then like now.

How will we solve this problem?

Right now, Global Climate change will wipe most of us out this century and the next just from rising oceans and hurricanes and winds over 100 mph and heat over 115 degrees Fahrenheit with close to 100% humidity. For example, Sea level is set to rise 1 to 4 feet on oceans worldwide by 2100. This will put many many islands and cities and hamlets close to the shores of those oceans underwater. Because remember all major oceans are interconnected: for example, The Black Sea is connected to the Mediterranean Sea which is connected to the Atlantic Ocean which is connected to the Pacific Ocean (need I go on?)

This is likely what will happen to most of us that are poor and uneducated during the coming few centuries.

Who will remain alive?

Likely those most educated and those least educated who are toughened by adversity worldwide.

What will the future bring?

Whatever we create as the billions still alive here on earth.

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