Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Speed of Change here on earth is now beyond the comprehension of the average earth born human

This definitely means that the "Technological Singularity" has arrived. How do I know this? By noticing changes to my dreams. I woke up tonight realizing that my dreams are changing to another form.

What could cause this?

1. I'm on another timeline than I was when I went to bed last night.
2. The Technological Singularity has begun and people no longer can adapt to it.
3. Something else.

So, I realized that things are now changing at such a rate that there is NO worldview that the average person can cope with to actually deal with the actual speed of change now.

So, for example, here in the U.S. we tend to blame Trump for these problems.

And people who haven't been able to cope with change ever in their lives are blaming Democrats.

From my point of view Democrats are generally more capable of dealing with change than Republicans are.

Why is this?

Likely because Democrats tend to be more Science based and Republicans tend to be Creationists which isn't very useful in actually dealing with quantum changes to everything every day now.

Does that mean that Republicans are more lost and out of touch than Democrats?

Not necessarily.

There are strengths to both types of points of view in different situations.

However, neither point of view is helpful in an actual technological singularity.

What is helpful?

If you are able to use the scientific method on all aspects of life: physical, mental, spiritual and to separate ALL aspects of life into hypotheses, Theories and Laws you can begin to ferret out what I"m actually referring to here.

Here is my present Theory:

Neither Republicans nor Democrats or ANY other political persuasion on earth are capable of dealing with present day realities.

What does this mean?

It means that the Technological Singularity has begun where all the old rules (both Democratic and Republican) now have no real meaning.

What happens now?

You better Strap into your roller coaster because it is about to get rougher than World War I or the Great Depression or World War II or the Cold War in reality.

And reality is not what it used to be.

And absolutely Nothing you hear on TV is likely true in any meaningful way anymore.

So, finding a philosophy or religion to center in or going to live in a cave somewhere for your meditations might not be a bad idea about now.

So, finding a way to center while the rest of the world goes mad and kills themselves because they cannot deal with the harsh realities a Technological Singularity brings might not be a bad idea about now.

By God's Grace

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