Friday, July 19, 2019

This prayer was my entrance into Buddhism in 1980

May all beings attain bliss and the cause of bliss
May all beings be freed from suffering and the cause of Suffering
May all beings never be without the supreme bliss that is free from all near and far all grasping and aversion.

Not one being left behind

By this merit may I become one of the bodhisattvas of the ten directions and the three times.

Note: I have always liked this prayer a lot. I liked the fact that it is non-judgmental towards all beings in the universe in the past, present and future and is praying for their bliss and cause of their bliss and the end of their suffering. I saw how healthy this was as a prayer not only to heal others but to primarily heal oneself and how it would lead to longevity in people who gave this prayer while believing it is coming true as they give it.

So, this is why many people who are Christians are also Buddhists philosophically which in some ways is like a Christian practicing Hatha Yoga. Because Christians only believe religions can believe in God so Buddhism is considered a philosophy to Christians and not a religion.

Because Buddhism doesn't inherently believe in God (not that they don't believe in God but it isn't emphasized in Buddhism because Buddha believed that wasn't the important part. Instead he believed that Kindness towards oneself and all others should be emphasized instead. So, this kindness towards oneself and all others shows up in this prayer which is known to all Buddhists around the world.

I have given this prayer millions and millions of times and have even awakened at night giving it sometimes too in my sleep. This is incredibly healing for your mind to be doing this by the way. Experiencing the truth of this prayer heals all minds especially the one generating the prayer at a very deep level.

By God's Grace

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