Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Global Warming will change which human genetics survive here on earth

As the human race evolves through all the changes over the centuries, different types of genetics will tend to survive because of all the changes here one earth.

If you have studied all this it will make complete sense to you.

It's an advantage to sort of be a mongrel. So, in some ways having genetics from all over the world you might be more likely to survive than having specific genetics to one given area only. So, for example, people in the U.S. that are more free to intermarry with people from all over the world will tend to be some of the genetics that more easily survive Global Warming and West nile Mosquitos moving northward and things like this. All sorts of things that couldn't live before in the U.S. and Canada are moving into the U.S. and Canada at least parts of the year now in Summer and fall and spring. So, though they might die out in winter they are still going to be here in spring summer and fall like they were not before.

This is also going to change which genetic markers survive which will be different than the genetic markers that survived the 1950s to say about 2000. So, we are in a brave new world in many ways now all over the world in a variety of ways already.

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