Wednesday, September 18, 2019

If you believe you can survive you just might

But, if you don't believe you can survive you likely won't.

This is just REAL LIFE 101 and always has been.

There is a story that I like to tell that illustrates this best I think.

It's about sailors in wars in Europe and the U.S. when there were schooners with sails and sailors wore bell bottom pants because they can be inflated with air in water so they don't drown.

When during battles sailors ships were sunk if they weren't picked up right away they were going to drown in the ocean. So, they took off their bellbottom pants and put as much air in them that they could after tying the legs  off near the crotch to hold the air better to keep them afloat.

What they found was that the older sailors (25 years old or older) tended to be the ones who survived this sort of thing more than younger sailors. Why?

Because the older sailors had already been through so much hell that they never could have believed they would survive already. So, they figured if they just remained calm enough and didn't panic that they might survive this too. So, believing you just might survive is actually key to actually surviving difficult situations. If you can remain calm and focused and not waste your energy freaking out you just might find some way to actually survive whatever you are facing right then in your life.

IF you don't believe you can survive something then likely you won't.

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