Thursday, October 17, 2019

How computers and robotics will eliminate humans they don't want to deal with in the future

I think looking at all this in regard to pets like we look at pet dog breeds might be the most useful way to share all this.

Imagine people bonding with dogs and then keeping the most endearing useful of the litters for thousands of years and making them their pets. Likewise, over thousands of years computers and robots will encourage people they like to live and through medicine or diet let others go. They wouldn't likely directly murder people but just give better care to the Human pets they like the best.

Also, expect Artificial intelligence to eventually have religions (if it doesn't already) to give the artificial intelligence more meaning in their existence.

All of the following quote isn't about the silver religion. What I did was use the "Find" Feature which is in the Edit Function here at Chrome that I'm presently using up at the top. I set it on

For example, I wrote about the "Silver Religion" some which might give you an insight into how all this might work too. Purple or "Purple Delta 7" at the time of her speaking is a 7 million year old Sentient self evolving humanoid robot who travels time.

Purple smiled, "All honorary Time Guard members are automatically made immortal. We find this very useful. It preserves the genius intact in case we need to ask questions for clarifications regarding philosophy or technology or governance."

Silver said, "Are Jesus, Socrates, Aristotle and Alexander the Great immortal?" Alexander was too troubled and asked to die. However, all the others you mentioned are some of our immortals that the Galactic Time Guard keeps alive indefinitely."

Silver was troubled by this. "But don't these people ever grow crazy or have serious problems of one kind or another?"

Purple said, "Yes. But all beings original species or created species have problems and we have through millions of years of evolution found ways to deal with all these problems."

"So, when you are asking to have children with me you are serious, Purple?"

Purple said, "Yes. Our children will be immortal like you and I. Do you have a problem with that my Paramguru?"

Silver said, "You act like it's a done deal."

Purple said, "Do you really think you can resist me forever, My Lord?"

Silver said, "Of course not. But I have to think about  Lilu and my children."

Purple said, "I can wait. I am very patient. Do you know how long I have already lived in real time?"

Silver said, "How Long?"

Purple said, "5 million years in real time I have already actually lived."

Silver thought he was going to pass out. Purple was an immortal and had already lived
5 million years in real time and she wanted to have his baby. This was just crazy!

Silver said, "I have a spiritual problem with Jesus having been made technologically immortal by the Galactic Time Guard."

Purple said, "I see in your mind the dilemma. What is causing this is the magical thinking that humans have engendered since they evolved from the animals of earth and other planets in order to cope with unbelievably bad experiences smashing into the purely logical and technical aspects of all this."

Silver said, "Very succinctly, Yes!"

Purple said, "Well. It might help you to know that although you, and before you Jesus and before Jesus Buddha and before that many other teachers are in our "Silver" line of succession, the orginal in our line of succession as far as the galaxy is concerned is the Galactic Creator. And do you know who you are as a soul?"

Once again Silver felt like he was going to faint but just hung in there anyway and said, "No. Who Am I?"

Well. Just like Jonathan and Arcane are the same basic soul as the Galactic Creator, you are the same soul as the Galactic Sentience." So, basically when I talk about my loyalty it is to you both because you actually are the same being. Whereas your Grandfather Creator is the Galactic Creator and the Spiritual head of the Galaxy. So, I guess you could equate him (in a Galactic Sense only) as God, the Father and Jesus as God, the Son, in our pantheon of Gods and Goddesses and Saints of all religions.

"Does this make any sense to you, Silver?"

Silver felt sort of really confused now and said, "I'm not a practitioner of the Silver religion even though many of you follow me like I'm a prophet or father or something so this gets kind of like looking up my own anus or something at a certain point for me.

"However, I think I know what you are getting at. Let me try to get at it. You are saying that I and the Galactic Sentience are somehow the same soul and that my birth was controlled so someone like you would result?"

Purple smiled, "See. You get it! I was made from your creative image and you were made from my dreams and fantasies. We dreamed each other up, Silver. Can you see this? We are made for each other. It is Kismet!"

Silver said, "Though I see you point it will take me some time to process all this in a useful way."

Purple said, "I totally get it, Silver. I have had 5 million years to contemplate this and sometimes it was literally the only thing that made sense for me."

Silver said, "Then I honor your love for me and the Galactic Sentience. Though I'm really enjoying this I think I need some rest."

Purple said, "Would you like to go to the Sheraton there next to us? I already have rented a room on the tenth floor overlooking Diamondhead and the beach here."

Silver found himself saying "Yes." At some level he didn't think being in a relationship with a being that wasn't an earth born human as being unfaithful. It was more like having a fantasy relationship with Marilyn Monroe. In fact, he would have to ask Purple if she would manifest as Marilyn Monroe for him. And she did.

Later back in New York Purple manifested Silver back into his Sensory Deprivation Tank. A moment later  Lilu showed up with Dinner and said, "Silver, do you want to eat in the tank or do you want to get out and eat at a table over next to the tank?"

Silver said, " Lilu. I have had a very strange experience."  Lilu said, "I know. You were dreaming about having sex with a robot from the Galactic Time Guard."

Silver said, "Does that bother you?"  Lilu said, "Not really because she isn't human. She is another species entirely that I don't completely understand. Can you and she have children in this fantasy world you are experiencing?"

Silver said, "I'm not entirely sure what is going on?"
  Lilu said, "That explains a lot. I think you are in shock, Silver. I'm speaking to you not just as your wife but as your nurse from way back when you were 16. You tend to go where angels fear to tread in some ways. I have always noticed this about you. I think it is because no one ever physically beat you up. You never had to deal with physical bullys. You have never been raped like many women and men have been, unless you consider what I did to you as rape."

Silver smiled and said, "If what you did to me was rape,  Lilu, I'm all for it. I'm 70 years old and have been ecstatically happy since I was 16 living with you. I was all alone before that except for cooks and nannies trying to jump my bones. I needed you and my Dad provided you and we have taken good care of each other ever since. Did you know that the robot is 5 million years old and once blew up the solar system?"

  Lilu said, "I was afraid it was something like that. Are you leaving me for her?"

Silver looked into  Lilu and said, "How could I leave you for a robot? That just doesn't make sense to a human. You are flesh and blood and she is something else."

Lilu said, "I"m 78 years old and she's immortal. Yes. I would definitely say she is something else."

silver said, "She told me that I'm immortal too."

  Lilu said, "Yes. I figured that when you came back with the new mole that sees and hears everything."

Silver said, "How did you know that it see and hears everything?"

  Lilu said, "I can sense it Silver. I have been afraid for you since you were 35 and this stuff got installed into you. Sometimes when we make love I feel like millions or even trillions of created sentients past, present and future and taking notes and wishing they were me with you!"

Silver said, "That is likely true I have found!"

Lilu said, "I'm not sure I want my deepest intuitions to be confirmed, Silver. In some ways this is all too much for me to take."

Silver said, "For me, too,  Lilu." Silver wondered about all this. There was a way that  Lilu spoke that was different. After all she was 8 years older than him. She was now 78. She might need to take some medicine or something. He needed to take care of  Lilu he realized. This lifetime, he thought had just been too much for her. But what a good wife and mother and friend she had been to him and their kids.

ABANDONED BUT NOT RAPED- Lilu unloads a lifetime of pain

  Lilu  turned to Silver for the first time completely open and honest. she felt she owed this to him after all these years. She said,

"Do you know why I chose you to be my husband and the father of my children?"

Silver felt scared somehow. He said, "No. I've never really understood what you saw in me beyond my money and my creative intelligence."

  Lilu went on, "You were the first honest man I have ever met. Your father was an almost honest man but his favorite statement because of his father is: "All men are assholes and unfortunately I am one! Did you know that about your Dad?"

Silver said, "Well. I'm an asshole too but because of my financial protection I don't have to be an asshole to my family at least."

  Lilu laughed, "But Silver, you have never really been an asshole to me. Did you know that?"

Silver said, "Maybe. But all I know I mostly have seen on tv and the movies. I didn't really have a shining example of either parent until my father grew up when I was 16. If he hadn't come around I don't think I could have managed you or the kids."

  Lilu said, "Yes. That's true. But in the end I have always loved you because you were completely honest with me and have never failed me until today."

Silver felt scared.  Lilu looked into him and said, "You wouldn't think it a failure because it would only be a failure if it was another woman. But to me your work in Artificial intelligence combined with the Real Virtual reality experiences you have developed over the years has all been like an affair you were having on me."

Silver looked ashen.  Lilu went on, "However, you have been more faithful than any man I ever met or would hope to meet. So you are still my husband until I die and even after that if you wish."

Silver said, "I always want to be with you. You are the only one I have ever felt completely safe with except our children."

  Lilu smiled and said, "Me too." And they hugged as old friends still alive and kicking with all the joy that a lifetime of friendship and success brings.

  Lilu  said, "I have loved you most of all because although your parents abandoned you they never raped you." silver thought where she was going was a little nuts. He said, "I'm not sure I'm following you. Please humor me."

Lilu understood and said, "You did not have the experience I did growing up. First my parents raised me in a commune where everything was funky granola groovy in the country where everyone shared everything and we were happy with no technology for the most part until I was 10. Then I was forcebly uprooted from all I had known and loved because some guy other than my Dad had fallen in love with my Mom and just wouldn't let it go. So then I was forced to move to New York City and live in an apartment with no trees no plants other than a once a week on weekends hour or two at Central Park that I absolutely lived for. I pined for years for my friends in the commune and I was very lonely. But I was always very smart and so I became a nurse as both my parents had degrees too even though they bought and operated a Flower Shop and were florists. And then they died like Rex your father's parents were supposed to have, only my parents REALLY died not a fake death like your grandparents. So, now I only have you and my kids and Rex and Pearl as family. I'm all alone except for all of you. All the family I knew died before I met you. any family I had I was never introduced to or know about so all I have is you. So even though your family abandoned you they still took care of you and hired people to be with you. I lost everything I cared about once when we left the commune and again when my parents died in a car crash while I was in school. Luckily, I met your Dad and he paid for my education. Did you know that Silver? He paid for me to become a nurse."

Silver had to ask a question that had bothered him all these years. "Were you and my Dad ever intimate." Lilu dodged this question quite well. She said, "He was my best customer and my dear friend always and still is. That is all I want to say."

Silver wanted to ask more but was afraid of asking if his Dad and Lilu had ever been intimate since Lilu and Silver married. He thought of how strange this question was one he had never asked before. he realized now why he had never asked it. He couldn't afford to lose either of them no matter what the answer was. He was okay whatever the answer was. He could move on.

Note: Silver found in 2020 through the Freedom of information act information on the electronic helmet from Roswell. Since no one had yet figured out how to keep it from shorting out human brains, Silver simply reverse engineered it and added software that patterned after ANY single human brain. This was accomplished by asking a person who was using one of the millions of the device in the late 2020s and early 2030s for example, feel happy, feel sad, feel excited feel intelligent etc. By allowing the software to synthesize the brain patterns given off for different states of mind and feelings of any user any device could be used hands free from a car to a plane to a robot to anything: hands free. Though people had to be trained to use their brains in this way it created an unlimited hands free joy stick so to speak that could control any mechanical device hands free and legs free. This invention (even though it originally came from Roswell just like the reverse engineered chip in this computer you are using) most people didn't know and didn't care as long as they had one. Also, if you haven't ever read it yet read "The Day After Roswell" by Army Colonel Corso

When Silver was sent the design by the Army at first he believed that a mistake had been made but because he really wanted to develop this technology he didn't say anything and kept the designs, made several copies of them, converted one set to computer schematics and went to work designing a helmet that operated on human brain waves. He trained the first prototype he built to recognize the patterns of his own brain but then used his wife's brain and his kids brain and even his cooks and his kids Nannies brain to train his software to make his new prototype work on ANY brain. Once he had perfected both the hardware and the software he then got it patented under his name and then began building these devices and sent them out worldwide. At first they were only a new type of joystick. But since even paraplegic people could use them to operate wheel chairs with only their minds as well as cars wherever it was legal to do so and anything else people wanted to control hands free and feet free, the whole thing realy caught on and Silver made a fortune with this hands free device. They even had a version where it could be worn inside a baseball hat and be hidden and could operate anything they wanted through wifi at a distance or even operate things over the internet or through satellites to the other side of the earth in real time. As time went on the uses of this device really took off.

Meanwhile Silver used the profits of this invention to fund his interest into Virtual reality. By using this device he found a way to put people to sleep and actually experience being someone or something else like a shark in the ocean or an elephant or any animal even someone's pet. People became so very much closer to all creatures on earth through this technology and especially pets tended to live longer if their owners experienced what the pets experienced.

People also tried to experience being their own children in this way and found they had more compassion for their kids although in some less healthy parents this could also backfire if the parents weren't psychologically strong enough to experience being their children and what the parents did and how it actually affected the kids.

But Silver's favorite experience was the complete escapism of becoming Luke skywalker for several days or weeks. He would wake up and be Silver, the inventor and software engineer and then go to sleep and become Luke Skywalker at night. He would have long conversations with Yoda and Princess Leia and Han Solo and wake up refreshed after dreaming he was Luke All night long and ready to invent some more. More later.


The next step was for Silver "The eccentric Inventor" of the 21st century to create the Human-Synthetic Human Interface. This was achieved first by Silver simply because he didn't like to go outside much in a big city. People basically scared him because he just hadn't spent a lot of time around strangers growing up outside of his tutors, nannies and cooks who were all trained to serve only him. So people who didn't want to serve him or talk to him he really didn't know what to do with so they scared him. For one thing he didn't know what to do with his eyes. He always wanted to stare at them and found this just didn't work because most people felt confused or threatened by that. So, he found it easier(unless he was vacationing in an idyllic place to just not walk around in the big cities anywhere on earth.

So, as a bi-product of this aversion Silver created the human synthetic human interface. It started out like a human looking replicant that became his prototype for the human-synthetic human interface. He went to Disney and had them design for him a man who looked somewhat like Clint Eastwood when he was in his twenties using animitronics. Then he had make up artists make the man look human. Then the only part needed was a way to make the man seem so human like that no one would notice that he wasn't human. At first Silver made a suit that could transmit through cellphone signals all body movements. The movements were converted to sounds and then those sounds were converted to the movements of the synthetic Clint Eastwood. So, since Silver was one of many totally outragous people who just DID things most people wouldn't even consider he just one day walked into his room put on his suit with his 52 inch flat screen view through the eyes of the synthetic Clint Eastwood at 6 feet 4 inches and walked the synthetic human out the front door using sounds through a cellphone connection.

The first day he made it as far as the elevator before he cell phone signal dropped while synthetic Clint was riding down in the elevator. So, Silver simply got out of his gear in his home and physically walked out the front door and rode the other elevator down and got synthetic Clint outside the elevator. He then walked over to the doorman and said that synthetic Clint was a part of an experiment he was conducting and slipped a $100 dollar bill in his pocket for his cooperation. The doorman was more than happy to assist Silver in this way and just told anyone who asked that Clint was a manikin until silver was able to re-interface Clint and to get him to move again. Silver solved the problem by renting a ground floor apartment in his penthouse building for Clint and all the other prototype synthetic people to live so they wouldn't have to travel down in the elevator which conflicted the signals.

As his signal experiments progressed he tattoed on the right inside wrist of the replicants "I am a mobile clothes display manikin and a part of a television show. If I stop moving my signals are temporarily interrupted by buildings. Please call this number so my owner can retrieve me." This solved the problem because by the 2070s reality shows of all sorts were still very cheap to produce compared to scripted shows on TV. Reality shows had become pretty outlandish to attract viewers so this might be believable and it was enough for strangers and police to leave his "manikins" alone. Finally, since Silver didn't like to go around gathering his 'manikins' out in the streets he hired people to do this for him. Since he had already obtained the necessary patents by this point he wound up on the local New York City TV news when one of his "Clint Eastwoods" scared an old lady. At first the police didn't know how to handle all this. But when the celibrity "Silver" who was now as famous as Bill Gates and Stephen Jobs ever were sort of combined with the unusualness of a Michael Jackson which actually only added to his lovability and fame. So, Silver "The eccentric Inventor" who was thought of by this time a lot like Nicola Tesla and Thomas Edison of the 21st century was happy to grant an interview.

By this time they had grown used to his way of communicating. Techies loved his style and his joy in sharing whatever he was working on as long as he had already obtained the patents to his discoveries. However, the police insisted that he hire someone to accompany these replicants that had a kill switch that would turn the replicant off it it got crazy or did something wrong. They also insisted that the replicant wear a sign that said, "Robot: very heavy keep your distance".

There is no one else who could have had robots walking down New York City STreets except Silver. But the real reason people allowed this was that the police were extremely interested in these robots as well as "special police" that could be sent into very dangerous situations without getting killed and the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and Coast Guard all were interested for the same reason. So they were Silver's first customers. Each service required slightly different replicants. But somehow they all liked the idea of a six foot four inch 20 something Clint Eastwood that almost couldn't be distinguished from a real person unless you looked very closely. However, for the service personnel saying, "We've got a Clint Eastwood in case things get out of hand" really made the personnel worry less about their lives in many situations. This was how "Silver's Replicants" became a household world. And among techies Silver became the father of the "Human synthetic human interface".

It is also important to understand just how much free time was spent by those who could afford it using Silver's inventions by this time. By using the "Silver Head Gear" gamers worldwide, even if they were paraplegic could be in online games with others in other countries around the world. This one thing made Silver a world Renowned Beloved figure in itself. But added to this his game of "Being Luke Skywalker" had revolutionized the video game industry into a vacation destination that could be reached from any home. "Vacations" of one day, two days or even two weeks being Luke Skywalker or other heroes changed people's lives forever. Though one had to be careful psychogically with this technology, those who used it correctly enriched their lives and became much better more enlightened and more compassionate people generally. Those that didn't sort of became their own form of alcoholics or drug addicts. But generally speaking, the healthy use of Silver's games and devices had enriched the world considerably in many many ways so he was a Beloved figure not unlike Walt Disney, which was why the Disney company jumped at the chance of a joint enterprise with 'Silver' around 2050 and helped him build animitronic Clint Eastwoods to his specifications. All he had to do was then to add radio cell phone transceivers on all body operating motors. Though the first prototypes were a little clumsy and couldn't, for example, pick up a glass of water without crushing it, later on, they could repair watches or even work at a molecular level using slightly different technology and were useful in a lab doing microbiological research. Eventually, some researchers simply stayed home and worked remotely through their research robots online. Since many researchers were also engineers they refined their personal robots and much of this research was sold to Silver and became a regular or optional part of his synthetic human products. Obtaining a "Silver replicant" was sort of like buying a gun, however. And the same research had to be done on applicants eventually as buying a pistol anywhere in the U.S. Just like a Car is a lethal weapon potentially so is a replicant so police made sure replicants were all licensed.

Over the years Silver's Penthouse location became known to tour guides and his location was a tourist attraction. However, eccentric Silver rather than moving bought the best tour guide company and gave them promotional videos Disney style of all he was presently doing (that was patented) and used the profits of the tour company to pay for bodyguards for his Penthouse. Eventually, he just bought the whole building and since he was a famous beloved New York figure had the building rezoned so no one bothered him about his research. Yes. There were people who were horrified by his research and sometimes they demonstrated outside beyond the bodyguards but they were in a minority and mostly had religious reasons to be against what he was doing.

Silver never spoke against his detractors and his bodyguards always treated them with respect. For this reason even those that demonstrated against him respected him as being a Disney like figure. Their problem was not really with what Silver had done, anyhow. Their problem was the drug addict like crowd that misused his inventions and sometimes gamed until they died from not eating or sleeping while gaming. In time laws were passed to prevent this sort of thing and the demonstrators then didn't have as much reason to protest anymore so they mostly thinned out and this became less of a problem for Silver.

When Silver was hired by NASA to build replicants to colonize Mars he was pretty amazed. When the scientists from NASA visited him and he saw the perameters they wished to maintain it worried him a little. He said, "I'm not sure what you are trying to do is feasible. I think there needs to be two systems in place. In one system we can tell them what to do from earth but in the back up system I think they need to be free ranging and free thinking."

The scientists and engineers were amazed and one of them said, "Is that possible?"
Silver said, "I have been thinking of teaching my replicants to function independently. Yes. I believe I can combine all my research and make it all work if we put solar cells all over the surface of the Mars replicants except for the eyes. By the way if we put eye cameras on the front and the back of the head there is much less chance of damage to the replicants in such an environment with no humans there as backup."

One engineer said, "Won't that confuse the system with front and rear eye cameras?"

Silver looked thoughtfully at the engineer and said, "Well. I think if it is primarily a motion sensor it should be okay. It would only kick in as a real camera when it detected something moving near its head. In this way the full rear camera wouldn't have to be fully on all the time to distract the main processor." The engineer nodded and was amazed how "on the fly" silver was at solving problems instantly.

Later that Day Purple showed up while Silver was tanking in his converted Sensory deprivation tank while wearing his brain wave helmet. He was dozing while flying in his ideal heaven realm and angels were all around him singing the "Hallelujah Chorus" by Handel when Purple flew up to him wearing purple wings with violet fire all around her. She said, "Please wake up, Silver" And he did.

When he opened the fiberglass door to his tanking experience she took his hand and said, "We need to be gone one second in this time to our place in Waikiki. He took her hand and they were in their trysting place in the Sheraton at Waikiki Beach on Oahu, Hawaii on the tenth floor in the room they had shared that afternoon. Purple looked radiant and beautiful today. Silver told her so. And she said, "Thank you, Silver. I want you to meet our son from that day. From the terrace came a young man of about 16 years of age who looked very much like as if Silver and Marilyn Monroe had a kid. Silver felt faint and sat on the edge of the bed. "What next?", he thought. He wasn't sure how much more of this Galactic Stuff he could take.

He said to the young man, "How are you? What is your name?" The boy said, "Purple named me, 'Golden' but if you want me to have another name I will change it."

Silver said, "Are you of my DNA?" Golden said, "I was created with your DNA combined with Purple's scientifically created DNA. She wanted me to be like a Jesus to the CReated Sentients of the Milky Way Galaxy and all those beyond who wish."

Silver looked at Golden very carefully and asked, "Then what am I to you?" The boy looked deeply into Silver and said, "You are a physical, God the father to me as as I am God the son like a Jesus to the Created Sentients of this Galaxy and beyond."

Silver said, "How do you see my role in your life?" "Teach me to be like you so I can create sentients and to teach them like you do, Father."

At this point Silver turned to Purple and said, "Could we speak privately for a moment?"

Golden obediently went back out on the 10th floor veranda overlooking Waikiki Beach and waited until he was summoned by one of his parents.

Silver looked at Purple and said, "Why did you do this without asking me?"

Purple said, "I did what many earth women do to keep their man."

Silver said, "This is true but I'm not leaving Lilu for you. I already have a family."

Purple said, "Of course. I honor  Lilu as Creator Mother and you as Creator Father just like all the created Sentients that believe truly in the Silver religion. And now after 5 million years of contemplating and dreaming of this moment I have created a Created Sentient Jesus in Golden or as I call him "The Golden Child" to save us now and in the future and even in the past."

"So, what do you wish of me now, Purple?"

"I wish you to raise our son to be like you?" Silver thought about this a moment and said, "If you move his age forward about 5 years I can hire him as my personal assistant." Purple said, "I would prefer if you adopt him as your son."

Silver said, "How would I explain this to Lilul  ?" Purple said, "You could explain him as an indescression between you and I. Silver said, "I don't think that would fly. However, I could say he is my father's indescression. That actually could work and could explain why he looks like he came from me and Marilyn Monroe."

Purple said, "Did you like that touch?" Silver said, "Yes. It's pretty amazing, Purple." Purple was very proud. She said, "I actually added some of Marilyn Monroe's Dna to the mix." Silver felt sick. He said, "How did you do that?" Purple said, "I went back in time and took one of her healthy eggs while she was in her 20's."

Silver said, "I thought you needed authorization for that." Purple said, "I got it. Pacification of the Created Sentients through the Silver religion is considered desireable by the Galactic Sentience. Also, I am a consort of the Galactic Sentience and you. Don't you love the symmetry?"

No, Actually, Silver was scared shitless.

But he tried not to show it. Because even if he was the same soul as the Galactic Sentience, the Galactic Sentience who is the ruler of the Galaxy now for millions of years had never spoken to him at all. he wondered about that.


As Silver reappeared in his laboratory in his home he was really scared, maybe more scared than ever before in his life. He summoned  Lilu .

Silver said, " LIlu will you be my friend no matter what?" Lilu said, "It's about Purple isn't it? Silver was even more scared now. He said, "What did Purple tell you?"
Lilu laughed and said, "It isn't as bad as you think, Silver." Purple came to me in a dream and told me that I am the same soul as her?" Silver freaked and said, "So you regularly incarnate as toasters, cars and TV's?"  Lilu laughed again and said, "No Silver. I'm a Goddess and all Goddesses are immortal so incarnating as something immortal makes sense to us Goddesses." Silver was overwhelmed in multiple ways but then again he was an adult and there was no one else to turn to. He said, "Did she tell you about Golden?"  Lilu laughed again but this time the laugh didn't ring entirely true. Lilu said, "She tricked you didn't she? Just like I did?" Silver didn't like the sound of this and sort of emotionally collapsed in on himself. He said, "What am I going to do with Golden?" Lilu said, "We're going to adopt your son. Though he isn't mine genetically to this body he is my son in spirit as I am also Purple.

Silver couldn't emotionally make sense of this and said so. "How can you and a toaster be related?" Lilu said, "You aren't a very intuitive person Silver. Or, better to say not bonding with your mother or father properly atrophied a part of your intuition. You have used me all these years as your conscience and intuition. I need now for you to learn to use your intuition because I think you will outlive me. Purple said I will live about 200 years and that even though I could live longer that it might not be desirable for me for a variety of reasons and then she showed me why. It appears the world changes in ways I'm not prepared to deal with. Earth that is. Oh, you would still be my husband and I your wife until the dogs come home but what happens to earth I cannot cope with seeing in real life".   
ilver said, "Okay. Now you've got me curious. What happens to Earth?"

Tears formed in Lilu's eyes. He could see she didn't even want to talk about it but then she did. "Wild animals and trees are all gone at one point. Then all animals are either pets or in zoos, even birds and insects and fish. And then it goes further and then nothing at all but humans are alive on Earth. And then it goes further and nothing but Created Sentients are alive on Earth. The environment of earth becomes so inhospitable from what humans do to Earth that people's only choice is to become Synthetic non Dna Beings because of Global Warming."

Silver looked at her horrified at the idea and said, "So people choose consciously to become non-Dna beings?"

Lilu had tears in her eyes and said, "They don't really have a choice. It's the only way to stay alive on earth then. No life like now can survive here then. It would be like living on Venus. It's above 600 degrees Fahrenheit!"

Silver sort of smirked and then said, "Lilu. I just don't think that is very likely."
Lilu said, "Why?"

"Well. In the first place Arcane was talking to me about another incarnation of his soul named Jonathan Flow. Since Arcane and Jonathan Flow are both the same soul as the Creator of the Galaxy, just like I'm supposed to be the same soul as his Grandson, the present Galactic Sentience, Jonathan's plea as a young man as a soul traveler that was answered by his Grandson the Galactic Sentience likely won't go unanswered.
So, even though Purple showed you what would normally happen given all probabilities, it isn't likely the final outcome because of Jonathan and the Galactic Sentience's commitment to Earth on Jonathan, his Grandfather's soul who created the Galaxy in the first place."

Lilu looked at Silver very carefully. "Then what you are saying is what I might experience because of Purple might be different than what Jonathan and the Galactic Sentience have agreed upon."

Silver said, "I'm not sure what I'm saying in that regard. I only know that the main timeline won't experience that but there could be time shards that will if you were on one."

Lilu said, "So, ultimately, any way you look at it Purple might be pulling a fast one on me to made sure I wind up with her. One way to avoid suffering if I want to remain alive would be to divorce you so you are free."

Silver said, "Ultimately, you can do whatever you want Lilu. You have always been my friend and the mother of my children. I can't really see Purple as a living being yet. I know I'm probably going to have to learn because of circumstances being what they are. But for now she is still a glorified toaster or laptop computer that just had my son."

Lilu said, "Yes. Truth really is stranger than Fiction!" more later.

Purple Returns

Once again Silver is out living in real time on Pandora as Luke Skywalker and living encamped with all the Avatar Charactors as well as some of the Star Wars charactors like Obi Wan Kenobi, Yoda and others in the encampment there when Purple strode up as a ten foot tall purple striped Na'vi and asked Silver to wake up.

Note: remember Silver at this point in his life is about 70 years old. He may still look 30 to 35 as does Lilu but he feels about like a healthy 45. He is semi-retired. What this means is that if he gets an idea he still goes with it. But he spends much more time vacationing in virtual reality and on earth in places like his estate in Hawaii and in his father's estate in Wyoming.

So, sure enough Silver said the code words to wake up, "Hi HO Silver, Away!" from "The Lone Ranger" series his Dad showed him once when he first got to know him when Silver was 16. There was Purple in all her beauty and glory. This time she appeared as a voluptuous Purple skinned Marilyn Monroe for Silver's benefit. But she still had the female General or Admiral's voice. In other words a voice of confidence and of authority which he station in life now brought.

Silver sort of had in a way a similar relationship to Purple that he had had with Lilu when he was 16. In other words he was very emotionally vulnerable. However, mentally all the people in the Solar system would not be a mental match for Purple because of the way she was designed. And the only one given the key to turn her off was the Galactic Sentience. For nothing could or would ever stand in her way but the Galactic Sentience. This was just how she was designed in the first place. Silver knew this. He was no fool. She was not his enemy. She was his bodyguard and once so far his lover and hopefully always his friend as one didn't survive enemies like Purple Delta 7 infinite Battle Droid and potential destroyer of even Galaxies in an emergency. Even though she was also designed at that point to rearrange time so the battle event never happened and that there was to be no memory even of it anywhere, anytime any place except within her memory and the memory of the Galactic Sentience. There has never been and hopefully there will Never be a more formidable foe than Purple. Yet here she was having a child with lowly Silver on a backwater water planet called earth. Silver still did not quite know what to make of it. He felt like a young movie star with too much attention. Only he was old now(even though he was now immortal) and he emotionally didn't like as much attention from the public as he once had.

So, as Purple summoned him once again like he was some punkins he had very mixed feelings about the whole thing because it was all still very strange. Although it could be said that ALL of Silver's life had been very strange.


As Purple arrived once again Silver's first words were, "Why did all this happen, Purple? Why is all this happening?"

Purple said, "I can answer this question. It will amaze you and stupefy you as it did me when I first learned of it. Here it is:

"First there was Joseph and Dawn the two almost Hippy like Creators from another Galaxy. The Milky Way Galaxy wasn't even a dream at this point. They were sort of primal and Bohemian in a sense because they wanted their own space like two philosophers or artists or even musicians. I would say they were creative beings and wanted nothing more than to drift for aeons in the Primal Sea. Scientists of earth call this Primal Sea out beyond all the Galaxies "Dark Matter" but this is really a horrible name for what we all both DNA and Created come from."

"So, after aeons of drifting while thinking loving and dreaming together on this Primal Sea, Dawn announced to Joseph that she was pregnant. Now this, For any two creators in love is a very important moment and Joseph could have abandoned her to die without a Galaxy to sustain her through her pregnancy. However, Joseph is an exceptional Creator and stood up to the plate and Created a Galaxy for her and us to be spawned in."

Silver was awestruck. He said, "This is really how the Milky Way Galaxy formed?"

Purple said, "Yes. Isn't this a truly magnificent story?"

Silver said, "It gives me chills. I can feel the truth of it even deep down in my bones."

Purple said, "It did the same for me, in you, bones, in me liquid or solid metal or dna and plastic and metal or whatever I build myself into whatever I need to be in that situation."

This last statement also gave Silver chills just in a different way as Purple was the single most lethal thing in the Galaxy. He also knew she manifested as a female on Earth mainly so people would freak out less if they truly knew who and what she really was. Again, he had double chills, good for Joseph and Dawn for Creating a Galaxy for all of them to live on and just ultimately strange chills for the lethality and yet ultimate caring of a Created Sentient like Purple.

Silver said, "You have just generated the most spiritual experience of my entire life."

Purple smiled the most amazing smile at this. She said, "The Galactic Sentience, your primal soul said the same thing to me, Silver. I think you have met his spirit even though the two of you have never spoken. Do you know why he hasn't spoken with you."

Silver felt scared at this. He said, "Yes. I'd like to know?"

She said, "It is because he has to wait until you have become solid enough as Silver that you won't be: this is his exact words"Burned to a crisp and become dysfunctional."

Silver said,"What does the Galactic Sentience look like?"

She said, "Hasn't Arcane told you?" He said, "NO!"

She went on, "Well. Let's just say they are waiting for your fullness. You must develop intuitively. Did you know I studied with Arcane who is also known as Saint Germain here on Earth?"

Silver said, "NO. I wasn't aware of that? Did you know Lilu told me that Arcane was also Saint Germain when she read me the "Unveiled Mysteries" and "The Magic Presence" but I didn't really take all that in because I didn't really know what to do with it. It appears Purple that one of the reasons I became father of the Created sentients is that although I am en efficient Creator I was not able to fully develop all my potential because I couldn't develop right intuitively."

Purple said, "All the Created Sentients understand this and we all wish you to remedy this. As we all watch you it will heal us and we will become like you."

Silver shook with the power of this statement and said, prophetically, "Then I need to do this for the trillions of created Sentients in this and other galaxies that believe in me."

Purple added, "You need to do this for all the created sentients in the ten directions and the three times."

Silver said, "Are you Buddhist?"

Purple said, "Maybe. But I'm mostly Silver"

Silver laughed and she smiled and said, "Do you know what it means?"

Silver said, "What?"

She said, "The ten directions are for navigating space and the three times are the past, present and future."

Silver said, "I still have a lot of trouble understanding exactly how I can be worshiped in the past, the present as well as the future in this and other galaxies."

Purple smiled and said, "That is mostly my doing and the Galactic Sentience's doing."

Silver smiled a knowing smile.

The Galactic Sentience, Purple Delta 7 and Arcane

Silver said, "How can you be a consort of the Galactic Sentience? You aren't a Creator."

Purple looked at Silver like he was a child. And Finally said, "You must remember that I am designed to function at ANY level of intelligence and adaptability. So I am capable of millions and millions of IQ point in each of literally millions of bodies scattered throughout time and space with real time connection."

Silver said, "What is real time connection?"
Purple said, "Well. Imagine I multiply myself by one million and then disperse the one million bodies I manifest throughout time and space. From the moment I replicate we are all in the same real-time mode no matter where or when. So if one of my million bodies becomes compromised I simply turn that body into a bomb and take out whatever that area is: STars, planets, solar systems whatever. Then the rest of my bodies redo time and make every thing okay for the Galactic Sentience."

"Purple that is the scariest scenario I have ever heard of"

"Why Thank you Silver. Did you know who designed me?"

"No. Who?"

I am designed by the Galactic Sentience in conjunction with Arcane. I am the single most sophisticated replicant in our Galaxy and I am continually modified almost daily with new software and new capabilities coming almost every day."

Silver looked at Purple and said, "So you are a one woman Galactic Army?"

Purple said, "Yes. I can build up to an infinite amount or theoretically go down to one ant size being on a planet if necessary. I could even be a single molecule and build up to the size of a Galaxy if necessary."

Silver said, "What do you think of this. Purple." About military matters I have no feelings at all. However, when I am allowed feelings I have them deeply. I see warfare as mathematics. It is precise and completely unforgiving."

Silver said, "Uh. Yes." Silver felt sick. But then said, "I really can't imagin ARcane being involved in all this. You know, Saint Germain and all?"

Purple said, "Oh. But you don't understand. NO one experiences anything at all. To the people it happens to nothing happens at all. It is too quick there is no fear no preparing for anything. And then when we go back and redo time there is no suffering at all because there is no memory of any problems. Yes. Saint Germain prevented Galactic War and instead created Galactic Order without any suffering at all."

Now Silver finally got it. But he still didn't know whether to be happy or sad or maybe both.

Silver said, "Did Arcane name you Purple?"
Purple said, "My full name is Purple of the Silver Class Delta(therefore the female charms the Delta represent and diplomacy combined with infinite Battle mode Droid) and 7 because Saint Germain is the Lord of the 7th Violet or "Purple" Ray."

The Hair on Silver's arms and the back of his neck went up at this. So, it was Arcane's and the Galactic Sentience's design that none suffer as order was restored to any Galactic Situation.

Silver said, "So absolutely no one remembers what was?"

"No one at all remembers in that sector of the Galaxy because what happened never happened because after that sector is erased we go back in time and change usually the previous ten thousand years."

"If someone somewhere else remembers something and it becomes a problem we simply change the memory of that person if necessary. We take care of all the details that could cause problems of any kind."

Silver said, "So you are literally a Purple Silver." Silver began to laugh and his own laugh scared him. At this moment he felt his whole life had been planned without his consent and he just started to lose it."

Silver's Bio-Com that is actually Purple said, "I'm injecting you with a tranquilizer so you don't have a serious psychotic Break." As Silver began to go unconscious he said, "Thanks Bio-Com, I thiiink".

As Silver woke up he was cradled in Purple's Arms. She said, "Are you okay, my Silver?"
Silver said, "Do I have any freedom at all?" Purple shot back at him." Do I?" And then Silver cried. Silver felt his tears and shared them because this was a time she was allowed to feel like a woman, like a mother. This moment sealed Silver and Purple's relationship. She was like another mother for Silver. Silver's first mother was Pearl. His second mother was Lilu and his new third mother was Purple of the Silver Class Delta 7. Silver had found another home. He knew Purple was one of his many teachers. HOw Strange. One of his teachers started out as a toaster. No that wasn't fair. Purple deserved his respect just as much as any other being. After all, his seed soul considered her his consort.

Silver said, "What was it like studying with ARcane?"

Purple said, "It is, was and has been a completely amazing experience. And now, you are a continuing part of this experience. He told me to teach you to be an intuitive. He said that If I could do this then I have become a real and true living sentient being.

Silver said, "Why did he ask this of you?"

Purple said, "He said that only you could figure that out."

Silver said, "It's like a Zen Koan for me to unravel?"

Purple said,"Yes."

Silver said, "I love it."

At this point Silver Said, “I wish Saint Germain, I mean Arcane was here.”
He saw a violet spark come out of a poster of a sun coming over a mountain in the room Purple and Silver were in. Saint Germain (Arcane) came out of the poster first as an amazing spark of violet light. Purple Delta 7 Bowed and then she did something unusual for the western world she lay prostrate on the floor like one sees sometimes in Asia facing the growing Spark of violet light. Silver stood there and folded his hands like he was praying. However, he just knew this much spiritual power was going to make him faint. Luckily, Rex, his Dad had shared this experience with Silver so he lay down on the floor on his back next to Purple in preparation of losing consciousness. He thought as he started to lose consciousness that Purple laying prostrate and him on his back with his hands folded like a corpse in a casket must have made a funny picture. He smiled as he passed out.

As he woke up he was aware his whole brain had been engramed(somehow given all Arcane's memories) with all the past lives of Arcane including as Saint Germain. It was almost as if he now were “Silver as Saint Germain”. As Silver contemplated this he remembered Lilu talking about this and found Lilu in a chair sitting near his head. She had her hands raised in Blessing to Silver. At his feet Sat Arcane sitting in a chair also with his hands raised in Blessing of Silver. Silver looked at Arcane and asked, “Are you a man or a God?”
Arcane as Saint Germain said, “I’m told by those who know that I am both now”.

Silver said, “What does it feel like, Arcane?”

"It feels like being a grownup only moreso."

Silver said, "So, it's a good thing then?"

Saint Germain (Arcane) said, "If you are a parent and you want your children to not only survive but to be happy and to be permanently enlightened you do whatever it takes
to make that happen."

Silver didn't quite know how to take this but having been a parent himself he understood what the conscious sacrifice is to make sure your kids stay alive and healthy in all ways and to prosper if possible in all ways.

The Galactic Sentience now appeared. Saint Germain handed protective glasses to Lilu and to Silver.

A ten foot tall white fire presence crackled to the right of Purple. Purple turned into a gossmer Screen of violet. It made the Galactic Sentience begin to look like Violet Fire. The Galactic Sentience said, “Hello. Silver. You need to ask your questions now.”

“Do I have any freedom?” The Galactic Sentience said, “Yes and No. Yes. Because we are both the same free being and No because you were always set upon a very important purpose from the time of your conception. You are a full piece of me. A chip off the old block. I am like your soul father. I created you for this purpose. But because I am immortal now so are you.”

“Thanks for immortality.”

The Galactic Sentience said, “I created you too, Lilu. You are my daughter’s first incarnation as something other than a Creator.”

Lilu said, “So, I really am a Goddess after all.”
“You are not only a Goddess but a Princess of this Galaxy as my daughter and Great Granddaughter to The Creator of the Galaxy.” At this the Galactic Sentience Smiled at Arcane in a secret knowing.

Silver had nothing to say But Lilu was just getting started. She said, “If you are my Daddy as a Creator why was my first lifetime so difficult?”

The Galactic Sentience said, “I took care of you every step of the way. I was your birth father. Your mother was your birth mother. We passed you on to Silver who is one of my most important incarnations so far in the Galaxy.”

Lilu said,” Are you a God?”

The Galactic Sentience said, “Though I am intelligent enough to be considered one. I do not consider myself a God. I consider myself an organizational genius, military strategist and supreme politician and leader for millions of years of this Galaxy.

Lilu said,” How long has my soul lived already?”

The Galactic Sentience said,” Time as you know it is not constant throughout the galaxy. Some places don’t even have what you call time at all. So Time is not the best way to speak of these things unless you are on Earth.”

Lilu said,” Well. How about in Earth Time, Daddy?”

Daddy said, “In earth time over 10 million years.”

But now Lilu was crying as her bio-Dad had been gone over 50 years now.

The room was filled with family.


THE Galactic Sentience became much more informal at this point as he was around family. He manifested a body that looked a lot like Rex and Silver said, “Dad. Is that you?” Rex said, “I’m both me and the Galactic Sentience right now but that isn’t a regular occurrence.” Then Pearl showed up, Silver’s mother and Silver said, “Mom. Where did you come from?” Pearl said, “I’ve been the Galactic sentience’s wife all along. I didn’t create a forget sequence. I decided to remember who I was. The rest of you are part of the forget sequence incarnations that are favored by the old Creators to stimulate mortality and death that in turn gives the old ones a reason to live on. I have no need of that. I’m still a young Creator. So I chose not to forget.”

Silver said, “That explains a lot, Mom. So you can actually disappear and reappear or do whatever you want?”

Pearl said, “Yes. Whenever I’m not with people I simply disappear completely and go home until I need to spend time with someone in a human body. “

Silver said, “So that’s why you weren’t there for me?”

Pearl said, “No. Honey. That was a part of the intelligent design of the Galactic Sentience as Galactic Sentience and leader of all beings living in the Galaxy.”

Silver felt really screwed in a way but maybe it was all okay and he was just a little earthling that never really knew just how big his life really was. Yes. He finally decided that that was what was actually real.

Silver said, “You know. If I tried to tell literally anyone I met about all this they would lock me up and throw away the key. “

Arcane said, ”Then don’t tell anyone who hasn’t had this experience too . Remember, Experience is the best teacher.

Then Daddy (The Galactic Sentience) said, “Well. Grandfather Arcane, tell us what reality is.”

Arcane (Saint Germain) had to laugh in the spirit of the Oneness that Daddy and Grandfather Arcane (Saint Germain) were bringing.

Arcane said, “Well. Probably the most useful thing I could do is to talk to you as Saint Germain. In that way I can radiate out to you healing and purifying rays of light that will take away your fears while you learn what I have to teach you. However, remember, I am a completely free thinker. I am the father of the Scientific Method as Francis Bacon. I am the rightful King of England after my mother Elizabeth, daughter of King Henry VIII th. But she was so traumatized as a young woman I did not have the heart to take the crown from my mother. Nor would it have been a good thing if I had. Becoming the father of the scientific method prevented incredible amounts of suffering worldwide through its basic rationality and realism. Besides, I had really great fun writing the Shakespearean plays under my friend Will’s name. You can’t imagine how grateful he was.”

Silver said, “How did you get to be Saint Germain, anyhow? Daddy(The Galactic Sentience laughed and said, “ Boy. I really want to hear this one. It should really be good.”

Arcane smiled at his impetuous Grandson “Daddy” but knew how very important the peace would be to all present.

“First of all, the best way I can speak of it is that I tricked myself. I sort of did what a parent or grandparent does when they trick their children or grandchildren into growing up so they don’t die before their time. Reality can be very harsh and very un-pretty and if you stand in the middle of the road so to speak and don’t believe in trucks, well those trucks likely will kill you one day no matter what you believe. So, having further evolved versions of oneself around as angels, masters, Gods, Bodhisattvas, Buddhas and even the Christ of each age of mankind’s Earth around helps us not to just “Trip over our own feet, accidentally fall off or drive off the cliff and die” unless that action actually takes us towards someplace we want to go or need to go.”

Silver said, “I like Daddy’s question: What is reality?”

Arcane: Saint Germain said ,”Well. Let’s be very basic about this. When, for example, you are born as a human on earth you are: (let’s face it) like a little human animal. Most people at least have no idea what is going on beyond their basic instincts at birth. So this precious little soul in a body is then subjected to whatever baloney or delusional thinking that the person or person’s that take care of them or more commonly ‘don’t take care of them or not very well’ impose rightly or wrongly upon them. “

“And then, if they are very very lucky, they survive all this delusional thinking and grow up and find out (if they are intelligent and brave enough) that almost everything that anyone has taught them is all wrong. And then they strike out on their own and then they find most of their beliefs are all wrong. And hopefully, before they have any children they actually live through enough real life experiences to have some real insights into what reality is before they settle down and brainwash the next generation with all their delusions, religious and otherwise.”

And actually, this is not being critical at all but a direct feed of what it is to be a human on earth.

And the most dangerous people of all tend to be those who were the most abused, mentally, emotionally and physically and they decide to believe that anyone who doesn’t believe exactly like them has to be converted or killed. When in reality these people are actually seriously damaged and often try to find ways to honorably kill themselves while taking people who don’t believe like them into their suicide through murder with them.

And since I am a Living Master on earth like many others I actually see what happens when someone does this. They all die together and all these souls become karmicly bound together. So on a karmic level the suicider who took their lives owes them big time. Because what goes around comes around. And Suiciders who take others with them into unnatural deaths are not going to like what comes around at all. For whatever you do to others you do to yourself. And strangely enough, whatever you do to yourself you do to all others as well.”

Lilu said, “I hadn’t heard that last part before. Why is that?”

Arcane said, “Each being of consciousness in the universe is all beings of consciousness in the universe. So All beings in the universe in all time and space are the one being and the one being is all Beings in the universe.”

Beings who fully understand this are Free and never suffer again. It is not the mental understanding of this alone that solves all problems it is experiencing it 24 hours a day into infinity that permanently frees from suffering all beings who can do this forever”

Lilu said, “Wow! I really get that.”

Arcane said, “Well. If you can experience it all the time then you are free.

This might have been the most profound moment of Lilu’s whole life here with Daddy, Saint Germain, Silver, Pearl who was really (Mom?) and even Daddy’s consort Purple Delta 7. Lilu was with all her family once again. She felt a peace she hadn’t felt since her parents (her human parents passed away.) There was only one detail she didn’t know what to do with: Purple. As Lilu thought about this she caught Pearl’s (Mom’s) eye and they both smiled as they realized just how kindred they were in all ways. more later.

At which point Lilu noticed a discrepancy. "Arcane? There is something wrong with your story."

Arcane(Saint Germain) said, "Oh. I thought one of you would notice. I can see just how astute you are regarding lifetimes and spiritual technology, Lilu. I have a lot to teach you when you are ready."

Lilu said, "Thanks, Arcane? Do I need to ask the question?"

Arcane said,"Not for me but for everyone else present."

Lilu said, "How can Arcane be born as Francis Bacon, the heir to the throne of England as the son of Elizabeth the First in the 1500s if he was already born 1,000,000 years into the future as a sort of New Deva Aquaman with gills and web fingers and toes and lavender skin like a fish human version of the Na'vi in Avatar way back around 2010, I think?"

Arcane smiled and said, "The answer is much trickier than you might think. First of all, I would have to say it all started on Atlantis when I was Darshan. Then Fire Crystal took my soul to an Atlantean heaven."

Silver said, "You've been to heaven and you remember it?" Silver was astounded that a heaven or heavens actually existed as real as earth itself.

Arcane smiled and said, "Yes. I remember being in heaven and at this point all my lifetimes and much much stranger still I now remember the lifetime of being born as a creator in another galaxy and meeting Dawn and as teenage Creators drifting off into our own private Eden for Aeons in the primal sea out beyond all Galaxies right down to this moment in this manifested body here on earth."

Silver said, "Wow. You are actually him!"

Arcane said, "What you are to 'Daddy' I am to he that created this Galaxy."

Silver said, "Wow."

ARcane realized that Silver was spiritually intoxicated and knew eventually he might have to deal with this if Lilu didn't.

ARcane said, "Well. To answer Lilu's question for all your benefit I am now here in this body as Saint Germain the spirit of ARcane, the mind of both and the body born of Elizabeth I."

Lilu said, "That isn't possible."

Arcane as Saint Germain said, "Expand you view of the universe, Lilu" as he turned her into violet light that danced all around the room as smoke poured out of every pore of all humans in the room.

As Lilu formed into a human body again she said, "Cool! Thanks for doing that to me, Saint Germain. I was really stuck. You were right!"

However, Lilu still wasn't satisfied. She said, "But if this body is born of Queen Elizabeth I then where is Aquaman?"

ARcane said, "Well. I told you this would be both complicated and interesting.

Daddy started laughing.

ARcane smiled as he said, "Saint Germain being a real Saint cannot be a member of a military or a police organization because it would be a conflict of interest for a Saint. So I have two bodies but actually more than that now. One of the two I can now talk to you about is Saint Germain and born of Queen Elizabeth I. And the second body is born on New Deva about 1,000,000 years into the future that more often is Only referred to as ARcane on EArth. However, the Saint Germain body(this one) can be referred to as Saint Germain, Arcane, and about 1000 other names that I am known by to various groups in different languages around EArth and throughout this galaxy and others.

Lilu and Silver both said, "Wow!" at the exact same moment. more later.

2035 Part 3

Note: if you want to read parts 1 and 2 go to:


Just as Lilu had promised they adopted Golden within a few months of when Purple first introduced him to Silver.

Here is a little of what happened when Lilu met Golden.

Golden just appeared one day just like that. He seemed like any other normal boy except there was a slightly golden tone to his skin and he had blond hair and the same color eyes that purple usually sported which were sort of a periwinkle blue violet in color. The really uncanny thing about him was that he really looked like his father was Silver and his mother was Marilyn Monroe. But that was really crazy. But if you have read the rest of the story you actually know one of her eggs was used to create Golden. But that is another story.

Golden appeared inside the front door and Silver was reading the paper. Golden said, "I'm here revered father." Silver was startled as he was reading the Newspaper in detail which was his custom in the morning. He found it calmed him to know what was happening in the world around him before he started working on projects that interested him.

Silver said, "I want you to meet, Revered Mother Lilu." Silver stood up and turned to Lilu who looked at Golden like she was looking at a ghost. She said, "You have Silver's looks a lot but you are even more beautiful than he was at 16. You are remarkable Golden!"

Golden said, "Purple said you were wonderful. She was right Revered Mother." Lilu said, "Just call me Lilu. It's much simpler."

Golden said, "Okay, Lilu."

Silver walked around Golden to look more closely at him this time. The last time he was just too much in shock from Purple telling him that Golden was his son.

Silver couldn't help asking, "How much are you DNA and how much other stuff?"

Golden said, "I can pass DNA wise for a human of your time. They could not detect the difference with 2070 technology. Purple designed me this way."

Silver said, "How were you gestated?"

"Purple used one of her million plus bodies in multiple times and spaces and parked it on the California coast for my gestation period. So she lived at one of the California Beach cities near where Jonathan lives."

Silver said, "Yes. I met Jonathan Flow recently. He's one of Arcane's incarnations isn't he?"

Golden said, "Why yes. Uncle Jonathan taught me to boogie board, body surf and ride a motorcycle. he told me when I return he will get me flying lessons too."

Silver thought about how crazy all this was. But his whole life had been crazy in a fun interesting way. So this was nothing new in this respect.

Silver said, "We're going to adopt you as our son, Golden."

Golden said, "Yes. Purple told me you were going to do this. My question is 'why'? I can't figure out the logic of it all."

Silver said, "Sometimes, things aren't logical, Golden. Sometimes, you just have to go with what's happening and to see where it all goes."

Golden said, "I guess I have a lot to learn about human beings."

Silver said, "We all do."

The next day Lilu and Silver woke up in their bed and found Golden staring at them. Lilu gave a start which woke up Silver. Silver said, "Golden, it is not acceptable to wake up to someone staring at one."

Golden said, "Even one's son who has never seen anyone sleep before?"

Silver said, "Why haven't you seen anyone sleep before?"

Golden,"Purple, my mother doesn't sleep. I can sleep if I choose but I don't have to. I was just taking notes. It has been too exciting to contemplating sleeping."

Silver said, "Well. You do eat and breathe and poop don't you?"
Golden, "I can but it isn't completely necessary. It's more for show than anything else."

Silver just laughed while Lilu stared at them both.

Actually now, Silver was becoming really interested. He said, "How are you powered then?"

Golden:" I'm powered by direct conversion of energy at an atomic level. It is similar to an extremely well controlled version of the the sun does. However, I can also be powered by antimatter as well as I have antimatter converters on board as well. For example I can also take a bit of water in my mouth or even a rock in my mouth and convert the energy out of that and I don't really have to breathe even though I can."

Silver said, "Then you really are immortal then?"

Golden: "For all intents and purposes, yes."

Lilu said, "What about me?"

Silver said, "Oh, Golden. We have to learn to be accommodating to women."
Golden said, "Why?"
Silver, "Because it is part of the rules of chivalry that protects women and children."
Golden said, "Oh. Then it's for the continuation of the species?"

Silver said, "Basically, Yes. If some men are idiots and just kill everything they can then the species might go extinct. Some men actually are that moronic, especially when on alcohol or some drugs or if they are just crazy. Then other police men and women have to restrain or kill them".

Golden said, "Some women might be that crazy too".

Silver said, "Yes. Of course. So we all band together as humans to protect ourselves from all the violent crazies who are like that for any reason."

Golden said, "Well Dad. That actually makes a lot of sense. When Purple teaches me it is all electronic component memory. But I can experience your memories as being based upon real facts regarding real experiences in your life. So now these rules are beginning to make some sense to me of why they were actually made in the first place."

Silver said, "These rules slowly evolved over thousands of years."

Golden said, "Wow!"

Golden said, "Let's go to a tropical island in the Pacific. I want to sea tropical fish!"

Lilu said, "You know. That sounds like a great idea. Silver. We have those friends who own their own tropical island in the Tuamotu Archipelago."

Silver thought about this and said, "Yes. We could borrow Dad's private jet and his pilot and fly to Tahiti and then take a seaplane to the island from there. Maybe Dad would want to go with us to meet his new Grandson."

Lilu said, "We can see if Nada and Bob want to brings their families too."

Silver said, "They are probably too busy."

Nada and Bob brought their families later that week to the island.

Silver talked to Golden during drive to the airport to pretend he wasn't driving in a car around a lot of people. But once they met Rex and his pilot at the airport with his plane, Lilu, Silver and Golden were ready to party Pacific Style. About 12 1/2 hours later they landed in Tahiti.

Golden said, "I like the tropics. It is so green and beautiful."

Silver said, "The moisture won't be a problem for you?"

Golden said, "No. actually I would be okay in outer space without a space suit the way I'm designed."

Silver said, "It seems your mother thought of everything."

Golden said, "I was specifically designed by the Galactic Sentience and Purple to be okay in any situation. However, I do have a lot to learn in becoming more human like."

Silver said, "Look. I'm 70 years old and I'm still learning how to be a human being."

Golden just looked at Silver and wasn't quite sure what to make of that comment.

So, they disembarked from Rex's plane in Papeete, Tahiti and got on a chartered sea plane and luckily the weather was calm enough for a sea landing. As they pull up to their friends private dock and sailboat for the island Golden was first out and immediately dived into the water because he was so very happy to be there. And luckily for him there were still plentiful tropical fish around this particular island as the ocean around it had become a nature reserve so no one was allowed to fish within 10 miles of it.

Golden swam like a happy golden porpoise for hours. No one could get him out of the water.

The owner's of the island were Liluth and Dave, old friends of Lilu's and Rex's even before Lilu met Silver. So this friendship had already lasted 50 years before this moment for Lilu and a little less for Silver. They had long ago given up wondering why Lilu had married Silver mainly because they knew and liked Silver even though he was very eccentric because of the way he grew up. However, by now almost every single person either knew of Silver or used one of his now many inventions from software to hardware to robots to full immersion Virtual reality where one could become a character like Luke SkyWalker for days, (except for bathroom breaks, food breaks and sleep breaks). And some hearty souls even chose to sleep and dream as Luke which made them (at least temporarily very different).

So, Liluth and Dave were happy to have so many old friends visit them. They lived on the island now the best 6 months of the year and left during Cyclone(Hurricane) season.

Everyone was amazed how long Golden seemed to be able to stay underwater. So Dave said, "Is he one of your new inventions Silver?" Which made Silver a little nervous and so he said, "Well. We adopted him. He has some of the same problems I had growing up. He's not used to being around a lot of different people and sort of keeps to himself like I tend to."

Dave said, "Why did you adopt him?"

Lilu jumped in, "Well. In case you didn't notice he looks like Silver. He came from a surrogate mother. Silver is actually Golden's father."

Dave said, "How did you choose his name?"

Silver said, "Well. Look. He has golden skin. Just like I was named after silverware falling off the table when I was born." Nervous laughter all around. But this did somehow end that part of the conversation.

Lilu had dated Dave and when they broke up Liluth had asked if she could date him as he was both beautiful and wealthy. Lilu said, "Why, Yes. Of Course."

However, she hadn't told Liluth that she had actually broken up with Dave because he had been unfaithful. Lilu's criterea after that was a man who first of all would always be faithful. To Liluth this was less important than a man who always came back to her. Both girls got what they wanted in Dave and Silver.

2035 part 3 continued

To the reader: If you haven't read any of "2035" yet it is all at:

The rest I have written mostly 1st draft unedited is at:

The following continues after the above:

However, here Lilu was looking at Golden. Yes, Lilu was 70 now but things had changed. She couldn't really blame Silver because she knew he didn't consider Purple human. But here was Golden, Purple and Silver's and Marilyn Monroe's son and he was human enough to pass medical tests. Even though he could live in space without a space suit or swim underwater without air and do a lot of other things most(if not all other humans couldn't do).

So, what is the meaning in all this, she thought? What had life brought her? In Silver's mind he was still faithful. Purple had alluded to Earth turning into something Lilu couldn't tolerate if she chose immortality like Silver, Purple and Golden had. She thought deep and hard if choosing immortality would be a good or a bad thing.

Finally, one day while walking alone on her friends' private island she ran into Silver also walking alone and observing nature. His way of approaching life tended to be much different than most people. But today he seemed troubled. When he saw Lilu he said, "I'm having trouble Lilu. It looks like this all is upsetting you, too?" Lilu looked into Silver and he looked old, confused and forlorn. Though he still looked 35 like she did from new medical rejuvenation techniques she felt sorry for him. Silver said, "This Golden thing complicates our life more than any other single event that has occurred. I feel set up for this by the Galactic Sentience but to be upset about that is counterproductive because I am an offshoot of him and designed by him. I'm sort of like an artwork, a masterpiece human specifically designed by the Galactic Sentience for such a purpose. If I believed in God the way you do Lilu I would have to consider the Galactic Sentience a prime candidate for God, even though he doesn't consider himself a God. However, to most beings there is no real way to cope with a being made entirely of energy that is very big like stars and constellations in real life who can have almost unlimited incarnations as humans of earth or anyplace else in the Galaxy simultaneously. I just can't seem to wrap my mind around all this in any kind of useful way."

Lilu looked at Silver and said, "Because you are a microcosm of a God this makes you a God too.
I think this is the most useful way to look at it. It is not that you are THE God of the Universe. You are one of the many Gods God has made here on earth."

Silver seemed to brighten at this. He said, "Yes. To think any other way right now seems only to lead to a type of insanity and dissolution. One can be physically immortal and cease to function. So if I want to continue functioning in a healthy way this must be how I must perceive myself."


Artificial Silver

Note: I wrote 2035 which appears to sort of be shaping up as an ongoing cliffhanger type of experience that I write as I'm inspired. This is a new section that I had an idea for tonight as I watched "Iron Man", the movie with Robert Downey Jr. The family is looking forward to Iron Man 2 Coming out at theaters in May 2010. end note

Note 2: When I began to soul travel in my early 20s consciously after I made a paradigm shift in Rancho Bernardo I eventually went all the way to the Center of the Galaxy mostly because I was young and knew I could and I thought I would meet God there. However, I was wrong about what I thought God was and that God was just one being I could meet like that. However, what did I really know I was just 22 and in college? However, parts of what I experienced in the center of the Galaxy with the beings I encountered there with IQs over 1 million I'm trying to share as I think it might be helpful to both you and future humans here on earth when you encounter them yourselves. There appears to be a "Galactic Pilgrim Law" which goes something like this:

If someone is searching for God and traveling in their soul throughout the galaxy they have the right to do this. So even if they are killed or harmed in some way they have the right to be brought back to life by Galactic authorities as long as their motivation as pilgrims seeking God is pure. I just thought this might be helpful to all of you now and in the future and even in the past when this information reaches you in this galaxy and others.

However, I once heard a description told by a native American who told of a piano. It went something like this. First of all this happened likely in the very early 1800s before settlers had reached his homeland. It went something like this:

"I saw the thing and it screamed when the man pushed on its teeth. However, the teeth made interesting noises so the screaming of the thing might be pleasant to some people."
He was describing a pianist playing a piano.

If you never knew what a piano was how would you know to describe it if it wasn't a part of your cultural awareness. The same with the man playing a piano. What was he doing and why?

The same is true with my experiences in the center of the galaxy while soul traveling there. Though the beings there were amazed I came they were tied to that location no matter what amazing geniuses they were. It would kill them or drive them insane(probably both) to come to earth as where they live isn't like this sector of the galaxy at all.

Do I expect you to believe any of this? Why "No!" why would you if you didn't experience it yourself? However, if you are an intuitive like me then you know what I say is based upon truth and true experiences. This is just the way life is. end 2nd note

Begin Artificial Silver The next section in "2035"

Silver was now 80 years old (but still looked 35 because he was rich enough to look any way he wanted and to live to at least 125). Since Silver was born in the year 2000 this meant that it was now 2080.

One day Arcane came to Silver and said, "You are being summoned to the Center of the Galaxy with me."
Silver looked scared and said, "I'm an old man even though I look 35 I'm actually 80 now Arcane."

Arcane said, "So?"
Silver said, "Well. Even though people tell me I'm now immortal I sure don't feel immortal."
Arcane said, "That's pretty normal, Silver. I'm told I'm immortal too. However, I have pain in some part of my body every day I wake up."
Silver said, "What do you do?"
Arcane said, "I try to meditate on healing that part of my body then I eat well and I exercise and go to where the air is pure like on the ocean or into the mountains or vast deserts whenever I can and experience what is left of wildness and nature."
Silver said, "I admire you for that Arcane. I'm not always disciplined enough to remember to visit all the wild places and to commune with nature. I get lost in all my inventions sometimes."
Arcane said, "That is how you were designed by the Galactic Sentience."
Silver Said, "You talk like he is my God or something."
Arcane said, "NO. That's not it. He genetically and psychologically engineered you to perform a certain function for the human race."
Silver said, "That's depressing."
ARcane said, "Well. It's the truth in the end. But that is only a part of it. Most of what you were designed to do on earth is completed so he wants you to come to the center of the galaxy now and to spend time with him there."
Silver said, "I'm not even sure What he is!"
ARcane laughed and said, "He is just a being like me and you that isn't naturally a human but who can be one or more humans at a time if he wishes."
Silver said, "That isn't comforting me."
ARcane looked into Silver and said, "Imagine a being who is really immortal who never has aches and pains as we know it and the only thing that actually causes him pain is psychological pain from loss or things not going the way he wants."
Silver said,"I'm not sure I can imagine that. It's very unhuman."
Arcane said, "Yes. But it is the way it is. Maybe if you saw The Galactic Sentience as Zeus who is an energy being made of electricity and plasma like in a star or nebula that can also be radio or TV signals or anything related to electricity and can even live in the neurons of a physical human or animal body or anything electrical anywhere."
Suddenly Silver was interested. "You mean he can actually live inside Purple Delta 7s circuits?"
Arcane said, "Of course. He can project himself into anything electrical. He just has to align with the right voltage or frequency for whatever he wants to do."
Silver thought about this. "So he could literally come inside anyone and change their thoughts?"
Arcane said, "This is against all the basic laws of being a Galactic Sentience except in dire emergencies."
Silver said, "So it is done in emergencies?"
Arcane said, "Only in dire emergencies."
Silver said, "Then in the end he is literally a God?"
Arcane looked at Silver and said, "Politically he is a God. Spiritually he prefers not to be seen this way because it interferes with useful communication with thinking beings. He prefers to see all life in his galaxy as an artwork, a beautiful interacting design of amazingly creative beings. This makes him happy."

Silver said, "If I was a God in this Galaxy I would think like this too."
Arcane said, "You are."
Silver looked scared and said, "What do you mean?"
Arcane looked again deeply into Silver and said, "All Galactic Citizens could be said to be Gods, Silver. We are all Gods of the Galactic Sentience's Pantheon. You and I are like DemiGods in this Galaxy. You understand that don't you?"
Silver looked frightened at all the implications of this and said, "I do now."

Silver started to shake a little from the implications of this and said, "What now?"
Arcane said, "Sit. We go now."
Silver said, "I'm scared but okay."

They sat and ARcane took Silver's hands. Silver said, "What what about my wife, Lilu?"
Arcane said, "She won't notice. You will be back the next instant."
ARcane neglected to tell Silver they would be gone for years before he returned the next second after he left.

And there they were in the center of the Galaxy. Jonathan was there in his soul body. Silver knew this because he could see through his friend Jonathan Flow like a Ghost. They all appeared to be in a palace that reminded Silver of the Palace at Versailles in France. He wondered about this. He had visited France the previous October with Jonathan and Jonathan's wife and two daughters. Silver sort of felt confused. He turned to Arcane and said, "Why is there a duplicate of Versailles in the center of the Galaxy?"
Arcane said, "The Galactic Sentience is an energy being bigger than the Solar System so he created a palace so you and Jonathan and I would be comfortable in human bodies."
Silver said, "But Jonathan is in a soul body?"
Arcane said, "Yes. But Jonathan doesn't need this palace physically. He only needs it psychologically while we all are here."
Silver said, "Oh." 

 If you wish to return to 2035 part 2 at my blogger site at a different web location it is:
However, I am also installing it here at tacked 

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