Wednesday, October 9, 2019

IT is my belief and personal experience that thousands of people, mostly children were trained

to interface with UFOs since at the very least the 1920s after World War I. Why?

Because governments at some level like the U.S., UK, France, Germany, Russia, Japan and eventually China starting for sure in the 1950s realized that they needed people who could handle contacts with UFOs from other planets and dimensions since governments and militaries knew they existed (even though they publicly denied it vehemently. Too many people had had permanent psychotic breaks and never recovered from other centuries of contacts going back thousands and thousands of years in religions and governments around the world. So, by training children to get used to telepathy which is primarily used by off worlders to communicate with this worked to a greater or lesser degree ever since.

So, all sorts of religions and philosophies  were infiltrated by world governments and militaries in order to facilitate this all over the world. I myself was raised in one of these (UFO friendly religions) there were hundreds of these and maybe thousands of cult like religions that trained children around the world to be okay with meeting Aliens in various different ways. These religions tended to develop Intuitively gifted children children as well. And often these children would be contacted by aliens starting as babies and under 3 or 4 years of age to get them used to this sort of thing. And this further developed the telepathy of all these children. Of course there were failures and many died or had all sorts of problems along the way as well. But, many survived and lived full lives as well from all over the world.

This is my observation and this is my direct experience of what happened at the very least from around the time of Roswell. I was born in 1948 one year after Roswell by the way. But, I also suspect for a variety of reasons that all this goes back to at least people like Nicola Tesla and Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell as well when they were children.

Nicola Tesla was born on:
July 10, 1856
Image result for when was nikola tesla born

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