Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Democratic party has always been sort of a circular firing squad in its very nature

Whenever you have a party as diverse and all inclusive as the Democratic Party you do also have this danger of it becoming a circular firing squad like it also is. The problem is when you face and insidious president like Trump facing re-election now where he can easily turn this circular firing squad upon itself to the point where literally the ONLY candidate that even MIGHT defeat Trump is Biden maybe with Warren as his vice presidential candidate. So, once again we see this circular firing squad this time directing its vehemance against her in the democratic presidential candidates still standing. Whether this is good or bad or whatever it is I suppose might be subjective in the way each person looks at it. But, to me it is better than the "Lock Step" gestapo approach of Republicans that often reminds me of Hitler's followers before, during and after world war II.

However, in battle (war) it might be useful to have the lock step of the Republican party, when we are not at war this is a counterproductive strategy for human rights in the U.S. and around the world.

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