Sunday, October 20, 2019

The problem with School Times in California

To me, the problem with public schools in general, (at least in California) is that they are all about the teachers and the funding of the schools and never about the well being and education of the students or about the well being of the parents of the students which is necessary to have a happy and progressive student in the first place.

Then on top of this if you are a different learner like dyslexic or Asbergers or anything else you cannot get a good education because the way public schools are funded all different learners are going to fall through the cracks even if their real IQ is around 200.

So, these are my main complaints about public schools (I only know about California) because this is mostly where I have lived and my kids have gone to school except for a short time in Hawaii.

So, as a result of all this when my youngest daughter was born I made sure that she was in a private school from about age 7 years of age so any problems older children had with public schools she wouldn't have.

However, private schools often have their own problem in regard to elitism which is a whole problem in itself. But, at least you might be at a college level by 8th Grade in many private schools and be about 4 to 5 grades ahead of everyone else in public schools nationwide.

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