Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Trying to find yourself

At first like most young people I tried to fit into some "Box" that already existed. Very very soon I realized I was not going to fit into any previously existing box and at that point I prepared to die likely by age 25. But then, God and angels kept coming to me and making me realize I had to design my own "Box" to live in or rather I was shown that I was to be "beyond any box or definition previously thought of" which allows me to function in an "infinite way" which is the way God demands of me ever since I invoked God to live in my body at age 15 to live  with me inside of me and he did. So, God has always demanded of me an unlimited way of functioning because God is also unlimited in any way, shape or form. So, I guess God took seriously living in my body with me and requiring me not to ever fit inside any human made box entirely. Even though I often appear to be one thing I am actually many things on behalf of God. So, it's sort of like walking around children trying to reassure them while being beyond them in many ways too when I walk among mankind.

So, in this sense I am sort of a "Secret Santa" I guess bearing the gifts of God that are beyond anyone's conception (including my own).

By God's Grace

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