Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Uncle Tommy is a real person by the way

My father was born in 1916 and his older brother in 1912 and so it is likely that Tommy was born around 1919 or 1918 I figure then the girls which were the youngest were born after that. Tommy was always very exceptional and a very quick study. He was a gymnast and a weight lifter and looked sort of like an Adonis and was sort of quiet so all the girls loved this 6 foot 2 plus inch guy with Blonde hair and blue eyes with an incredible build and a way with people and mechanical things.

My father once said he took a shot at a buck or elk at an impossible distance with either a 30-30 or a 30 odd 6 and had a perfect hit even though it was standing on a cliff maybe 1/2 mile away. He also had never flown a plane and a man watched him land his biplane and asked Tommy if he wanted to fly it. He was such a quick study he simply took off in the plane and then made a perfect 3 point landing without any flying lessons at all. The man asked him where he had learned to fly because he had never seen a perfect 3 point landing done before and Tommy said that was the first time he ever flew a plane. This was the kind of guy he was that was very intuitive and very co-ordinated.

Then when the 3 brothers were driving dump trucks as very young men at the building of the Grand Coulie Dam in Washington on the Columbia River Tommy took out the seat and put just a board to sit on because they were all paid by the number of loads they did in a day and not by the hour. No one could make as many loads in a day as Tommy. People tried but they all crashed but not him.

This was what my father said about Tommy and many more things. So, you can see he would be the kind of exceptionally co-ordinated type of person that the government would want in a Time Travel Cadre through the U.S. Marines before and during when World War II started.

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