Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Unless you are really adaptable you might not survive the rest of this century

As crazy as the world is with Trump causing Ukraine to give  sections of it's country to Putin and Russia this last summer and now here in the fall, the thing most people on earth need to be aware of is: "How are we going to survive all the changes this century?"

If you are not asking yourselves this question you soon will be or you just won't be around anymore within 5 to 25 years (no matter what age you are presently).

People often wonder why there are now so many homeless people around the country. To me, there is nothing about the number of homeless that is puzzling to me at all. There are likely going to be 10 times the number of homeless people around the U.S. within 10 to 20 years. Why?

Because of all the retail jobs disappearing and all the driving jobs disappearing during the next 20 to 50 years time. So, a good section of people in the U.S. will either be homeless or dead on opiates one of the two as a direct result of the disappearing retail jobs and the disappearing driving jobs for people not only here in the U.S. but also all over the world.

IF you add to this the migrations of people from Central America into the U.S. this is just going to make the homeless situation about 10 or 20 times worse here in the U.S. The people from Central America are migrating because of droughts that have destroyed most major crops there recently because there are no jobs for them to have money to buy food anymore in these countries. So, it is also important to expect migrations to increase up through Mexico into the U.S. both legally and illegally from now on too.

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