Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Are we in a new Domino Theory where powerful Dictators like Trump, Erdogan and Duterte will continue?

I hope not just like I hoped Domino Theory in regard to Asia wouldn't continue either after Viet Nam fell to a Communist regime just like China and North Korea did. But, only Cambodia and Laos fell to communists and only for awhile after Viet Nam. So, the Domino theory was disproved at least in regard to southeast Asia.

And I think Dictators or (Kings) like Trump, Duterte and Erdogan will also be a thing of the past, simply because people need human rights to even choose to stay alive in a body here on earth.

Without enough human rights people will choose to end their lives one by one until there is no one left on earth.

So, when you take away human rights from people you also might be taking away their will to live (or you might be creating a serious revolution and violent war worldwide) either one.

It could go many different ways if you have ever studied Chaos Theory.

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