Monday, December 23, 2019

More regarding "Earth Rock People and the Angels"

Earth Rock People and the Angels

The Above article was the beginning of a realization that I had starting at Morgan Meadows near Mt. Eddy Peak across from Mt. Shasta earlier this year. Though I wrote more about this in another article since this was one of the most read articles above I thought I should write more of what I realized about this in the next article I wrote then:

Basically, I realized that it has to do with how humans process and see reality in the first place. We breathe the air and drink the water and eat food grown in the ground that is fed by the minerals in the Ground, (the rock people).

So, I realized that human consciousness comes from the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat that is all grown in the rock people themselves (the earth).

So, the angels in this sense are a part of human consciousness when we perceive ourselves and others and all life around us. Being able to perceive angels comes from the air, the water, the land, the food grown in the lands around us. Otherwise, we couldn't see, we couldn't feel, we couldn't know as human beings, angels or anything else.

From God and angels we get peace that allows us to make it through illnesses unafraid. It helps us move through the bumps in our life at peace with ourselves and all life around us.

Without this peace often people become alcoholics or take illegal or legal drugs and then they just create more problems in their lives from all this. When really just being in tune with God and Angels and having a good diet would bring them the most fulfillment and peace in their lives ongoing through all the illnesses they might have to go through to live to a ripe old age in the first place.

So, yes, the Rock people provide the food we eat that we grow in the ground which allows us to perceive the angels in the first place who likely are our ancestors helping us move as safely as possible on into the future here on earth and on other planets and dimensions ongoing on into the future.

By God's Grace

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