Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Understanding your dreams

The hardest part is usually waking up at the right time to remember any of your dreams and then it is important to remember or write down what you are experiencing then. Dreams are not as much about time and space at all but rather about how you are doing physically and mentally and spiritually and will you and the people around you survive what they are presently going through?

So, dreams can be very important to both your survival (mentally and physically and emotionally) as well as the physical, mental and emotional survival of people close to you.

Understanding this will help keep both you and your loved ones alive and sane if you understand what a truly powerful resource your dreams are to both your well being and your loved ones.

For example, just sensing with your senses beyond the 5 while you are walking around during the day can save your life.

I can remember stepping off the curb in a large city and something didn't feel just right so I hesitated. So, when the bus came by that I hadn't seen it lightly touched my nose as it went by me. Tuning into your deeper senses when other things are going on around you which prevent you seeing what might take your life is important too.

So, just remember that your senses beyond the normal 5 are literally "Life Savers" and I think these days people forget this because they are just so into their "Smartphones" that more and more people just walk into telephone poles and light poles or get hit by buses or cars or trucks more now because they just aren't really aware of what's going on around them to stay alive anymore, (whether it is texting while driving) or whether it is looking at their phones when they should be watching around them just to stay alive in traffic or around telephone poles.

Just remember, if you aren't present enough physically in each and every moment often you are just dead and that's all.

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