Monday, January 20, 2020

My theory on why I can often see the future (or one of the possible futures)

I would say it is my connection to angels from a very young age which allows me sometimes to see the potential futures or one future that God might give me the Grace to make better or to perfect in some way.

The way I see it, life is sort of Good, Bad and indifferent karma manifesting at all times. However, if you ask God for Grace to make something better often you might be allowed this dispensation of Grace.

In the last article I wrote I talked about how important it is to "Hear" and "See" the potential future coming and then the parts you don't like (like people dying that are friends or relatives) you might ask God to help you save them. However, there is almost always some kind of cost for doing this so this you might remember too.

The way I see it is if you have this ability you are very useful and Valuable to God because maybe some day you might help build another time line like I was a part of from 1969 until 2000 when the timelines split on 9-11-01 to where we now have 2 timelines spreading out from 9-11-01.

On the first timeline most people born before 9-11-01 are dead and most people born after 9-11-01 were never born (at least in the form they are now). So, if you remember being blown up in a nuke that's likely what that is all about. (one of the explanations).

So, the 2nd timeline we are presently on and at some point there is now a 3rd timeline where Hillary Clinton became president too.

Why was this allowed by the Galactic Government to take place?

The best way I can figure out would be that they wanted Earth to have more chances to survive so at least one timeline doesn't extinct the human race and all life on earth.

From my point of view Animals that might be extinct or go extinct could still be moved through time to any other time by The Galactic Rangers of Planet Earth Galactic Park (Earth).

So, even if humans go extinct on the 2nd timeline (the one we are presently on) or the 3rd timeline (the one Hillary is president on) the animals and fish and birds could be moved from literally any time on any timeline to any time on any time line in the future when the planet might be more hospitable to animals, fish and birds etc. than now with humans overrunning the place and causing global Warming which will eventually extinct all humans the way this is presently going.

(Unless humans move underground).

So, my theory on why I often see the future before it happens is my connection with angels. Because angels (often our relatives passed over in a good place) angels don't live in time and space but in a place that connects all spaces and times so they know what happens next.

So, if angels tell me what happens next it is for a good reason. So, If I see i don't like what is coming I pray for a better outcome for whatever it is and often I'm given dispensations to change the time line to something better.

By God's Grace

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