Monday, January 20, 2020

Trump's Karma is directly connecting to thinning out the human race down to around 1 billion people by 2100


I'm not sure of all Trump's reincarnations. I'm only sure of one which was his incarnation of King George III of England.

If you study this king he was basically nuts (a little like now). Possibly from too much inbreeding among royals then. But, nevertheless his karma is directly tied into the founding of the U.S.

Because of this really strange karma in a way he actually created the U.S. by treating Americans so badly that they rebelled and got George Washington to become their general in throwing off the yoke of King George III's tyranny. So, because of Trump's very strange karma he could potentially completely unwind the U.S. karmicly speaking into nothing once again or become sort of like a Hitler King and to some degree get away with this and the people helping him are reincarnations of the British Soldiers and Tories who fought our ancestors under George Washington.

The Reason Trump is a cult is because these people remember Trump as their King George III and still feel loyal to him like they did during the Revolutionary war.

So, in some ways Trump as president is a karmic Re-do of the Revolutionary war and once again we are fighting for our survival as Americans against King George III (Trump).

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