Thursday, January 23, 2020

Why do I consider myself a Mystical Christian Tibetan Buddhist?

I was trained as a child to be a California type of mystical Christian and so as my parents taught me to visualize by age 2 what I wanted in my life I became very good at this of creating what I wanted in my life in various ways. There are prayers like you say out loud like: "God protect me" and then there are visualizations where you just see yourself protected with Forcefields protecting you powered by God. Is there really a difference between the two? Not really as long as you and God are in agreement there is no difference.

So, what I did was take what was best about being a mystical Christian and when I learned about Compassion which is the basis of Buddhism I moved towards Tibetan Buddhism because it worked the best with my mind stream and consciousness. Then I blended the mystical Christian side of myself with Tibetan Buddhism and this really worked for me.

This prayer I give over and over millions and millions of times now which I find very very healing to my soul as I visualize it manifest throughout the universe of all beings.

May all beings attain bliss and the cause of bliss
May all beings be free from suffering and the cause of suffering
May all beings never be without Supreme bliss that is free of all near and far, all grasping and aversion.

Not one being left behind.

This prayer heals my soul because it frees me from the worry of the suffering of all beings in the universe by helping manifest the permanent end of their suffering.


Because our souls do not live in time and space but only eternal being and from that point of view the end of suffering of all beings is already accomplished.

In my soul I am free.

By God's Grace

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